Do you smoke cigarettes

I read schizophrenic/psychosis are prone to be smokers. Ive been smoking about 25 cigs a day for years now

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I took niacin for about a year, ( >500mg) and it did nothing for my cigarette addiction. That’s bogus advice.

I smoke 30-40 rollies a day. I hope to die soon


yes i smoke, its not healthy. but its not as harmful as alcohol.

only one positive about smoking- it improves cognitive function little bit for schizophrenia people, as science says
reduces boredom
social thing

Albert Enstein was heavy smoker
Albert Enstein son had schizophrenia
negatives- destroys your health

so its paradox

the alternatives are many that helps improve your mood cognitive function… like therapy, meditation, being in nature, singing , dancing, writting, drawing, loving, bird watching, star gazing…

i not recommend to smoke, i recommend to stop smoking. which i need to do for myself

me too smoke i dont like that, planning somehow to stop

That’s a lot Joker, I’m smoking 20 cigarettes in bad days(I’m having a psychosis), but usually I smoke around 10 a day.

I hope you reduce them someday, best of luck :wink:

I don’t anymore. Quit 5+ yrs ago from a pack a day, chain smoking in the house.

Glad I don’t as I just noticed, a pack here in California is $11.

I quit cold turkey 13 years ago when I turned 30.

But I started smoking when I was 13, and smoked about a pack a day for 17 years.

It took me multiple attempts over a 10 year period to finally quit. My first attempt was around age 20, but I wasn’t successful until I turned 30.

I’m 43 now and I don’t even think about it anymore. No cravings at all, and I live with 2 heavy smokers. After about 6 months it started to get much easier. The first week was brutal.

I “learned” how to smoke in my first adult psychiatric hospitalization…they had a room where patients could smoke on the Ward. That was in 1992. I eventually got to where I was smoking 2 packs a day. About 5 years ago I started vaping and that really helped feed the nicotine habit so now I mostly vape and smoke about 4 actual cigarettes per day. I’ve found that smoking is practically ubiquitous among psych patients, but it seems to help certain symptoms. Did you know that back in the '50s cigarette companies actually donated cigs to psychiatric hospitals? They did it to get vulnerable people hooked for life.

Started smoking when I was 12 and quit when I was 23. Coming up on 30 years of no ciggy butts.


I plan on quitting New Years. I’ve talked with my mom about it though and she is not going to quit with me, so it will probably be 1000% harder with her smoking, so I am not going to guarantee my success. :frowning:

It would be nice if we had no cigarettes in the house so it would be easier to avoid the temptation of going out for a quick smoke.


My mother and brother are both heavy smokers, and I live with them, and I still managed to quit, so don’t give up hope!


Did you go cold turkey?

Started smoking at 14 and quit when I was 40.

Yes for some reason I got this self-destructive habit. I got bad asthma and some of my lungtubes are destroyed. I wake up sometimes and can’t breathe. I use patches to cut down smoking and have a lifesupportmaschine I sometimes need to use. Like @joker says I am happy when it’s over. Sz is not nice to live with. I had already a serious suicide attempt. I am governed and surrounded by clowns.

Well I smoke CBD cigarettes that have NO nicotine and I vape 0 nicotine meaning I don’t use nicotine so idk what you’d put that down as

I know I overdo it, but I just end up chain smoking a lot of the time

Have a death wish

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Yeah, on tobacco, booze, and drugs all at the same time. I could have worked at Benjamin Moore mixing paint that first month as I shook so hard.

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I smoke a little under a pack a day. I did sign up to be on the wait list for a smoking cessation program at my mental health services place.

I smoke around 50 cigarettes nowadays a day. Having suicidal thoughts since couple of weeks. It’s easier to cope with cigarettes. I tried to quit had over 40 attempts. Even with medication for quitting. I used Tabex to quit, I could make it to month three smoke free but then decided to pick it up again. Because of boredem and laying in bed for 23 hours everyday while I was smoke free.

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