Do you love attention

Does your heart crave it???


Nope. I’m the opposite.


I liked playing basketball in front of a lot of people. The more the better.


I used to. But since I have had sz I can’t stand it. I am worried going down white street at times people are watching me.

At one point in my life before sz I wanted people to watch me because I loved attention. That’s why I studied music and did concerts. So I COULD be watched. Now I’m afraid.


I think everyone craves it


Only crave attention from my husband. Other than that I hate getting the attention. Prefer the spotlight on someone else.


"Do you love attention"
No! Attention loves me :blush:
JK :smile:


I don’t like spotlight attention from lots of people, but I like individual attention. I like people to notice me and talk to me. I like to be acknowledged and not ignored.


Me, too. I like being social and get attention from individuals rather than from the public.


I would like to be invisible, paranoia and ideas of reference make it painful to be among people.


It’s actually hard to respond to this thread because I think we all want attention.


I prefer to look anonymous and nondescript, now that I’m older. Different from when I was younger and made an effort to stand out. Not that I had any money for clothes, but I dressed to try to set myself apart, kinda based on the music and other stuff I was into. Never tattoos or piercings though. I hate to be approached by anyone or stared at when I’m out, except for the occasional older lady that I meet at the grocery store that maybe needs help reaching something or wants to discuss the sales or whatever. I do need a lot of attention from my squeeze. And I bum out when some of my old friends refuse to answer the phone or call back.


Sometimes. It depends.

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I crave social interaction, but not attention. It’s a primal human instinct to want to feel heard, seen and loved/appreciated.

I don’t want attention, but I don’t want to feel invisible either. Social interaction is healthy for human brains, and I get sad if I don’t have anyone to interact with for a while.

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I like some attention, but I’m alone 99% of the time for years now, so I panic if people want me to go places and usually just stay home


I love attention.

Its sad because I’m alone a lot of the time and really don’t get much attention from my husband.

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Yes!!! Also no!!! Mostly yes!!!

When I was younger I LOVED being the centre of attention. I still do except now I have crippling anxiety so if I am the centre of attention it feels like I’m on fire.

But I’m also super pretty so I loved getting validated by people telling me I’m beautiful and I love entertaining people. I just haven’t been myself in quite a few years.

Now when people give me attention I get angry and violent. People stare at me wherever I go and instead of realizing that it’s because I’m attractive I think it’s because they hate me or want to hurt me.

But I think a part of me still loves being the centre of attention? One day when I overcome my anxiety maybe I’ll return to my normal self.

Fun fact marina wrote this song for me in mind.

I know I’ve got a big ego, I really don’t know why that’s such a big deal though


when I was weird, it was like a 5 year period…I was attention averse. i’d already received attention and didn’t like it. I hated small towns where people know who you are and get into your business.

for me the city was such a breath of fresh air…where you could be yourself and where your just another one of the many people.

now I’m more comfortable with attention, especially from my social group. But I still carry my beliefs about how being common allows you to be yourself and fly under the radar of society…there’s a real freedom in not being important…I think fame would cause many people to become delusional


In places that are safe, like internet forums/chatrooms, I love being paid attention to.

Idk as long as i get treated like a human person I’m cool with attention