Do you like to read too?

I like to check in every couple of weeks.

Sometimes it seems having a loved one with sz is worse than having sz in itself.

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I think I would die of guilt if I read their side of the story


Most of the regular people on this forum are the very super duper lucky ones.
They just dont know it.
Their meds work for them, they dont add other substances, and are not violent.

I have read it. I could understand the fustration. Some is heart breaking.

I am not diagnosed sz. (something else)Those that are should not read it because it is so emotional. I would not suggest it.

We have to remember some are affected different ways or are worse.


Definitely not. I don’t need to wonder if that’s how my husband sees me.


yeah i have because i have an ill family member too.


I get enough ■■■■ from my real family. I don’t want to read how other families perceive their cousins, uncles, siblings, parents, spouses, etc. who have SZ. I would rather not even know if my boyfriend finds me remotely burdening to deal with.


I was looking for the link

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It’s hella depressing.

I think most of those family members would be thrilled though, if their loved one was well enough to participate here.


I really don’t recommend reading that forum. And if you do, remember that most of their loved ones are too sick to even participate here. They’re much worse off than we are. There is a lot of hopelessness and despair on there.


I don’t personally but it seems like a good reminder why you should stay on your meds :grimacing: If you lose stability it doesn’t always just affect you, but can very badly affect your loved ones and those who will have to care for you when you lose stability as well.


No. I never have. And I don’t plan to.


I would like it for someone

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No, I never have read it. I’m sure @Ninjastar is right.

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No. More negativity than I can handle over there. Have enough trouble with this side of the site.

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Like ninjastar say. It now worth it, I just check it for 2 minutes and now I feel guilty

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I post informational stuff there from time to time. I think by it’s very nature it’s more likely to involve people whose sons/daughters/sisters/husbands/wives etc are not doing so well.


I’ve read a little on there (not my smartest decision). It is very depressing.

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I just had a look now. It made me sad but not for the reason you might think. Basically it’s family who care about their family members with sz. And that’s something I’ve never had.


It’s reality…nothing we can change … it’s not our fault …, At least not my fault …not something I do on purpose


Yes I used that forum a few times because my mom has sz but I prefer this one. :slight_smile:

Sadly those stories are real and very common…

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