Family forum help

I’ve been on the family forum lately giving out the best advise and insight I can offer, but there’s a dark side.

Many of the people in the forum are dealing with people who are in denial about sz and don’t want to talk about it, and/or they refuse to take meds and have lost insight. They often are addicted or abuse substances too.

I have no advise to give these situations. Do you?


If only there was a way
better to be on side with this person with compassion
i mean “i’m a fairy” I know you’re a fairy
“can i tell you a secret? I can talk to animals” I know

but with compliance it’s not so easy
i think a 72 hr assessment if they you can get one
perhaps they will take it seriously - the staff and get a longer treatment section
but it’s so unfair
such changing times
there will be losses

I don’t really have anything. If the schizophrenic person won’t admit their delusions are delusion and they won’t listen to reason, there’s nothing to be done.
I had a boyfriend once who was a schizophrenic, and I ended up leaving him because he refused treatment.

If they don’t want to get better, nothing the other person can say will make a difference

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I would stay away from the family forum for a while @Moonwalker.


I’m doing good there, I enjoy helping. No worries about me

I did that, before. Be careful it can get overwhelming. Remember that you can always say " I don 't know". It isnt your job to save everyone, even if you want to.


I agree that you can just say I don’t know when they ask you things if you don’t know.


I would advise them not to sneak drugs into their food, as many of them have professed to doing in the family forum because it is not sustainable and gives validation to a sz delusion.

I would advise being honest and spelling out the reality of their situation which is that they will be hospitalised and forced on medication against their will legally in the hospital.

I would advise the parents to find scientific resources and books that state the specifics of delusions and that give common examples of sz delusions, so that they can read it with their own eyes from legitimate sources, i.e delusions of grandeur, conspiracy theories involving the common denominators (alien, religious cia fbi crap), knight move thinking etc.

I would ask the parents/family members to become aware of the above as well.

Even in hospital psychiatrists don’t engage in delusional thinking. They smile and nod and then medicate. Given this knowledge, give the parents the foresight to understand that it often takes a hospital stay for the grounding of a sz, so prepare for it.

@Moonwalker. Occasionally posting on the Family Forum is ok, but I think the general intent is to keep the two forums separate so that folks on each forum feel comfortable posting candidly about their experiences.

Also, I noticed you were posting links on the Family Forum to your threads here on the diagnosed forum where you are asking questions for the family forum. I’m not sure this is really appropriate, or at least, you ought to let folks here on the diagnosed forum know when you are doing this on one of your threads.


I won’t cross post anymore

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