Someone read it? Any thoughts on it?
I read it and was really inspired years ago. My p-doc and therapist recommended it to me.
I think …like my new therapist does… that she definitely had a different situation than most sz’s. She had all the support and resources and she was really smart and she went through phases of high functioning and then falling apart. Also…she got the right meds.
I still think it’s a good book but it’s not gonna happen for a lot of sz’s
I read it and I liked it a lot. It took me like 2 days to read it because I couldn’t keep my eyes off it.
Yeah it’s really thrilling !
Talking about support, I’m quite unsure what to think about the psychoanalytic help she got. Just scream out the random thoughts one has with sz and get an answer to this bullshi doesn’t seem like help to me. But well I’m not a doctor
I have her book in my book collection and I found it to be a big encouragement to me. Not that I am gonna run out and get a college degree and be a professor, but just that she fought so hard for what she wanted and didn’t give up due to her illness.
She does attribute most of her sucess to the combination of medication and therapy, along with social support.
I read one of her books. Cant recall the name of it. But i enjoyed it. It was early in my phase of trying to improve my sz symptoms years ago. Helped.
I read it. I probably still have it. I think I gave it to my mom. She hasn’t read it.
I liked the book. I don’t remember much, but it wasn’t a difficult book.
She inspires me. She’s like John Nash, but I like her more for some reason.
I have not read it yet. There’s so many books I want to read this is 1 of them
Idk if you have Spotify or not but they have free audiobooks and not just random ones like all the ones audible has I believe but free with your normal subscription and unlimited.
I listened to an audiobook the other today on autism. Actually I might listen to another now that I remembered it.
I Lov Spotify but can’t afford it atm.
Thx tho.
Np they had a sale I got 3 months trial for free. They might still have it.
What meds does she take?
My research says that she takes clozapine and Prozac.
Why is she famous what has she done.
She became a professor with a rough case of schizophrenia
I liked it, its was just very different than what my voices would say. But inspirational story
Imported to mention: she had a brain desease. Something that caused schizophrenia. Not like many with drug induced or without any source