I’m sitting in my Christmas pajamas and waiting to get sleepy. All the presents are under the tree. My feet are in fuzzy slippers! What are you doing tonight? Waiting for Santa or playing Santa? Reflecting on the past year?e
I’m watching the Lion King with my exes little sister while shes downstairs with family. If her guests stay too long we might just go for a drive up north.
I really hope they leave so I can crash here as my house is filled with russians who wont stop drinking til the sun is up.
I’m not holding out for Santa. You wait in line for an hour plus to sit on his lap at the mall yet somehow he’s able to hit every house in the world in one night. I seriously doubt his time management skills. Then if every household puts out cookies and milk for him how the heck is he going to keep fitting down those chimneys? And Rudolph’s nose is another issue. It’s inconceivable that that little nose can provide enough illumination to light the way. Also, there is an animal rights problem as those reindeer work all night without a bathroom break. Reindeer’s lives matter too.
Haha. I don’t believe it. Santa’s beard would look pretty bad at the end of the night. I’ve never had to wipe reindeer doo off my presents. Should we now speak of the non unionized elves?
All jokes aside. My abuser ruined the concept of Santa when I was 9. When I was young Santa was the most fun thing ever. My uncle even came to my house when I was 4 dressed up as Santa. It meant the world to me. I think kids should hold onto Santa for as long as they can. Imho.