Do you know your egfr and what age are you? (blood profile)

I am asking about age because apparently the egfr declines with age to a degree, 1 unit decline per year on average from a certain age.

When I was 34 years old, I had my blood test done, it was 84 (egfr).

What about you guys, my doctor said it was normal but online it seems to say that this is the kidneys of someone past their 60s.

Quite a shock.

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I would worry more about what your doctor says rather than info on the net.

Just my 2 cents.

Take care. :heart:


This is from a kidney charity…surely they can’t have it wrong, idk…

Or also in scientific journals such as nature…

Well slap me around and call me Susan!


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I’m going to go to a private clinic in a month’s time to get albumin urea done aswell. To help determine my kidney function.

Kidneys filter out the waste in my body to the piss and if the kidneys are damaged a lot, waste builds up in the body


Sounds good my friend. I wasn’t making fun of you. Just trying to get you to laugh.

Try not to worry about this kinda shite. It can turn your stomach in knots.

I probably have 20 different diseases idk. I’m a tapeworm. Whatever. LOL.


Lol Monte, I’m sure there must be some truth in what the doctor says. So I’m not too concerned.

My blood creatine was on the verge of being too high and that can indicate kidney issues.

So I will find out next month how it is now, a year later, eating an unbalanced and gigantic diet, since 34 years old.

I’m hoping the blood profile hasn’t gone significantly worse for my kidneys.

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There’s that smile I love sweethawt! :wink:

Sounds like a good plan. The doctors know best.

I’m thankful for my dr. at the VA. She’s super cool.

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Yes true that
The doctors have seen thousands of patients.

Just sometimes they make mistakes or are not fully aware of something.

But they do know best, generally speaking.

I’m glad you like my smile, you have a wonderful smile yourself if I may say so, :grinning:

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Tis true las! Dr’s are only human.

Awww thank you! :blush:

They say in AA to fake it till you make it. I used to force myself to smile, now it comes naturally. :slight_smile:

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Aw that’s awesome news. Yes your smile is so friendly. I can smell the genuiness of your smile from your photos. :smiling_face::ghost:

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When I see the private clinic, I will ask them at what stages kidney damage is still reversible, if at all

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I shall keep you lovely peeps updated, :sunglasses:

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I think that’s cute. :blush:

I have been told I have a very friendly smile before. My eyes squint when I do it! LOL.


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They do and it’s adorable :sunny:

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Haha! :joy:

My head is swelling with all these compliments!


(J/k I love it :blush: )

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Mine was 101 in November. I’m 50. My kidneys are in good shape for my age. Too bad my liver is falling apart.

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Sorry to hear about the liver. But that is a really good kidney result!!!

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Mortals are going to run into all kinds of problems like these. Ideal functioning is not necessary. A lot of people have lived long enough with a lot gone wrong.

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