He told me never to visit mums home because he don’t want no mental case in the house. Yet sends various texts to his girlfriend when she leaves over disagreement saying he’s gonna kill himself and that he tried before maybe this time it will work. Saying he’s gonna jump Infront of a train. She’s screenshot the texts and sent them to me. I’m done with him. I refuse to be treated like crap and help him when he has problems.
He told me he needs my room for three months until they move out and gave him my room and moved to mum’s into his old room. I don’t think he intended to move after three months.
My old tenant used to do that to their partner. They would threaten to kill themself any time he left the house, or even the bedroom. It was scary. They even had a few “attempts” that I think were carefully calculated to manipulate their partner. We kicked them out for this behavior.
Maybe he’s labeling you as MI so he won’t feel he has problems. I know it has to be tough for you. As far a girlfriend having an education won’t really make her see something if she doesn’t want to see it. Hope you feel better.
Must be hard to deal with your brother if he acts like that. Take good care of yourself and have ypur boundaries clear! Sending kind thoughts your way.