He died back in the 1990’s when I was in my 30’s. I’m over being heartbroken over him. He tested positive for HIV December 1987. I’m still HIV negative. Back in those days HIV would kill you.
Yes, I can’t see her right now. Think she might be downstairs putting a load of laundry through.
that would be nice. haven’t yet out of everyone of my relationships. I don’t know I’ve kind of got used to being alone. I joined a dating site this past month. my ex recently told me we had a great relationship so that was a big self esteem boost. it would be really great to fall in love again.
this next april will mark the seventh anniversary of me and my girlfriend. that’s longer than my marriage and we are poor but we are happy living on love. It’s hard to explain…I think the more time you spend with someone they become like an old comfortable slipper…
Make sure you don’t fall into a rut whereby you never feel ready…
I’m not an authority on the subject but special people (for you) should like you for all idiosyncrasies and also life’s ‘messiness’.
The joy can be in the journey; in my.life I was into bodybuilding, and found that often times if we are putting off ‘desert’ too long it disappears entirely.
I doubt my soulmate even exist.
Relationships take practice, to boot.
Maybe you shouldn’t deprive yourself at all at the present time.
Giving is important too… maybe there’s a person whose mind you can light up. Maybe just maybe there’s a fit for you RIGHT NOW.
I think in spirituality there is a big emphasis on the ‘right now’.
I thought I would by now and never did. I highly doubt I will ever find a soul mate.
Not with schizophrenia and severe negative symptoms. No chance. Its against biology.
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