Do you have trouble reading?

Within the past few days I’ve noticed changes in how I’m reading. It’s like sudden onset dyslexia or some sht. I keep mixing words up, reading words that aren’t there, trying to read two lines at once, like my eyes can’t stay focused on just one… I’m just curious if any of you have had similar problems, and if it may be in relation to psychosis. I normally don’t have any trouble with this.

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I think its sz cognitive symptoms. I cant read books or super long posts. It feels like ADHD but stimulants will make sz worse.


Oh. When were you diagnosed with sz?

I started struggling with reading a couple months ago. I’m usually a voracious reader. But now I’m finding it hard to follow and hard to remember


I haven’t been to a Dr yet, but I’ve been having visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations for over ten months, accompanied with delusions.

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Oh ok, well for me these cognitive symptoms started 2-3yrs before my diagnosis along with negative symptoms.

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I pride myself on reading too. The change is pretty scary.

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They slowly got worse but now they’re stable.

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I have a hard time reading books very much like the way you are stating. I’ve had this problem since I was young. I can read text books because there are graphs and breaks in the text to help me find my place on the page. I get lost in a page of text, my eyes skip around and blur. I’ve had 5 eye surgeries to correct lazy eye and had special therapy to strengthen the muscles. But I do still have a hard time and I can imagine you must be really upset right now. Seeing how this is new for you I would think a visit to an eye Dr. would be the best thing. Something could be going on that they could help with. Or maybe they might suggest a change in meds.

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I have lazy eye and had no problems reading and studying university books before sz. After sz it became much harder with concentration and memory problems but I still got my degree. I found taking lots of notes helped me, writing/rewriting helped me retain things in my memory much more than only reading.

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did you have surgeries?

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No, nothing. Dr said its not needed and that its not really successful also risky. I am still able to drive but driving at night in the dark is hard for me as I dont see well. I used to wear glasses but did Lasik and now I see well without glasses. Still got the problem with driving in the dark.


While driving I dont see well the dead angle (angle mort in french not sure if its the same in English). Often cars beep me when I dont turn my head to look at the dead angle.


Strange you should say that…I find often I can’t look people in the eye cause after about 10-15seconds I start to go cross eyed. Which is terrible if anybody wants a straight answer about anything. People don’t think I’m honest cause I look down or away. To compound I have bad vision and sensitivity to light…so su glasses. Which of course make things look worse like I’m purposely hiding my eyes.

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Yeah. I’ve been trying to explain it to my pdoc, but she’s blowing me off and acting like it’s not a big deal. But it is to me

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No, I tread water just fine.

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I am a History and Sociology graduate who has not read a book since graduating in 2013

It’s not a good thing

When I pick up a book, my psychotic imagination takes over

The images running across the page stop me from reading

I get immersed in the content, and my imagination just seems to run away with itself and I cannot focus or concentrate on the words

Not sure if anyone else has something similar?

Never really spoken about it much before

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Maybe you have good reason not to visit a doctor.

Earlier treatment yields better prognosis, however.

Also, symptoms that suggest schizophrenia come from a variety of causes. For example, a brain tumor sometimes presents as symptoms that suggest schizophrenia.

Of course you’re welcome here whether you seek treatment or not.


As a kid I was a voracious reader

But now even I find reading an arduous task

I find it boring and can’t concentrate
Big books are a big no no for me
Long posts also I don’t read
I don’t have the patience to read all

Also nowadays I like reading spiritual stuff more enjoyable rather than the worldly stuff

Wonder what a mental illness can do to u

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I sometimes have trouble concentrating on reading since sz. It’s the same with video games, Movies and TV though so no big surprise there.

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