Sometimes I’ll be watching something and a new scene pops out and I get the feelings that comes along with watching that scene but I can’t develop the thought does that happen to anyone
Yeah. I live with an empty mind most of the time. I think it’s a working memory problem.
My yea me too, my thoughts get distorted i think its from the schizophrenia or the medication. Idk. Its hard to think sometimes. I go crazy too. But its okay i dont i still alive thats all that matters.
I often feel completely devoid of thought. It scares me when it happens. I think I’m not using my mind enough or something
I often have trouble measuring my words, especially in conversation. Even typing this out is kind of a chore.
I have attacks of thought disturbances, alien thoughts, thoughts about thoughts, painful negative intrusive thoughts - especially on Olanzapine, its a bit better now on abilify but APS worsen them, unfortunately i cant do without AP’s
Im happy your better now on abilify, i hope feel better. Stay positive.
Disorganized thoughts, depression. Best to focus on whats important.
I used to be really articulate and now it’s hard for me to put sentences together
Same. Your personality changes a lot as a result
I think 24/7.
It has become a hobby.
I have trouble thinking sometimes. anything extemporaneus can be difficult sometimes. I have been having these repetitive melodic thought that’s driving me crazy. It’s just words repeated over and over again to a tune almost. I hate it.
Yeah it freaks me out too I also get this tingling in my head does anyone else get that I really feel it’s something serious because if I close my eyes long enough while laying down my brain will completely go into dementia mode and I will start thinking sentences that don’t make sense and stuff like that when I wake up I’m really out of it too like thinking something that happened in my dream really happened till I open my eyes
My brother is a real card…funniest guy I’ve ever known.
Me: “Sorry, bro. I lost my train of thought.”
Brother: “That’s okay. It was only carrying empty boxcars.”
Uh. Umm. Er. Maybe? I guess I…
So to the older schizophrenics does this cognitive decline stabilize???
My mind always thinks, but it’s voices and delusions. I tryed to do writting but I couldn’t build up thoughts at all, even questions are nearly impossible to develop.
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