Sometimes i lose my ability to mask my symptoms, talking about my delusions constantly or reacting to hallucinations, etc. What about you?
I dont really have to mask anything. When im paranoid its impossible to mask my symptoms. My eye contact gets crazy
For a second I thought you were talking about a COVID mask haha.
But yeah, sometimes I lose it too. That’s when I usually try to get time off work and stay home until I’m sure I can mask again. It sucks to have to do. I’m doing it now.
i have my headphones everywhere i go. music is my mask and whenever things get real out in the public, i’ve made it a natural reaction to just pop them in. as long as i have them in, people usually don’t worry too much about me- also stops anyone from talking to me
No mask 15 characters
I work really hard at hiding what’s going on with me. I don’t want to be judged and never taken seriously
Yes, mainly for autism however. I can’t hide my SZ symptoms when my insight is blown. I can pass for a Neurotypical for extended periods, but it is exhausting. I need time to recover after.
I can relate to this hardcore lol @ozymandias
I’m attending a training course tomorrow night. I have to split my mental energy between learning and not acting like, well, me.
I do.
Everyone I meet thinks I am neurotypical.
I don’t let new people get too close nowadays, because when that mask first slips, they know something’s off and it’s tough for me to recover socially from that.
When i lose my mind i lose my mind, i wouldn’t be able to do any masking. I try to live stressfree as much as i can. As i got older i know my stressors and avoid them. I like to be true and don’t hide behind a mask.
Ive been thinking about how i mask my autism more and more. When i was diagnosed in 2016 i worked hard at unduing the mask, but as my sza has progressed, ive been finding there was still more mask there than i led myself to admit, plus maybe my autism symptoms get worse during episodes, but now im just like… unable to mask. I have no interest in doing it anyway. It cost way too much energy and attention.
That’s the thing. It’s like trying to juggle and drive at the same time.
Yea I have a semi permeable mask.
If I were to keep it all in my head, I think I would explode.
Thanks to the forum and my friend and family members it’s all good.
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