Do you have a good reason to smoke?

You are thinking the outliers are the norm. You are just biased.

Btw, smoking doesn’t relax you or give you peace of mind. It does the opposite.

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It’s the nicotine you’re addicted to. It’s not you.

Do you know smokers are in general more tired and less concentrated than if they didn’t smoke?

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I think caffeine is worse than nicotine @dreamer54



I guess you have to make yourself feel better because you’re afraid of nicotine. Don’t be scared

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Smoking is bad but szs might as well smoke the meds will do a number on us anyway

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What do you mean? I don’t want to smoke again.

And yeah I believe I’m better than my smoker self


That’s like we going to die anyways why does it matter what we do. I’m not buying it.


I guess you wanna scare all the people that enjoy a smoke. Sorry, doesn’t work on me, quite the opposite


You’re free to smoke. And kill yourself slowly.

I dont ■■■■■■■ care bro.

And yeah, it would be better if everyone quitted.

If you dont have sz I would advise against smoking but sz meds ruin health so theres no point trying to keep your body as a temple with that crap in your system

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Why would it be better?

People busting for a nice fix of nicotine and craving what their minds want.

It would be depressing

Caffeine is my only vice left. I don’t think it’s so bad in moderation. That said I drink 5-6 cups a day lately and my sleep cycles sometimes get messed up. I’m sure there’s other side effects too.

Nicotine Zyn is some product i tried that doesn’t affect my asthma at all. I hated how it made me feel though after a while. Too strong even the 3 mg


It’s not about keeping your body as a temple. It’s just about living a more dignified life.

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I dont really care to argue that someone should smoke, I just find it pointless for szs to live completely healthy

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So if you are just poor, you should not care about spending money brcause you’ll never be rich?

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No but if you are going to lose all your money anyway you might as well spend it

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I tried making my own energy drinks before to save money. It’s a pain. I save money, but drink so much, it fcked my teeth up badly!

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I don’t understand. That goes both for the poor and the rich.

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That’s because there isn’t one. There are only excuses.