Do you have a good reason to smoke?

the community health team i had been involved with would give szs free cartons of smokes. its an accepted fact that our health is going to be compromised anyway

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So you want to compromise it even more?

I feel like you think smoking associated problems are a joke tbh…

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ten years ago I could run a marathon. ive been on meds since 2016, not even ten years and i cant even run for a few minutes. i have no potential to improve cardiovascularly either. im a dead man.

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Maybe I understand but no need to promote dangerous things like smoking here to all schizophrenics if you ask me :slight_smile: some of us do care about our health and livelihood


then dont smoke, but aps cause most of the side effects of smoking

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In conclusion, I don’t think anyone has any good reasons as to why they smoke.


what does that cat in your profile pic have in its mouth


It’s a thermometer.


Supposed to be a cigarette lol.


I have so few things that can make me feel something

Smoking is one of the things I regard as a luxury

Been smoking since I was 11 years old with one break for 18 months

Don’t drink or do drugs anymore so I think I can let the cigarettes slide


Those all sounds like reasons i agree with.

I would really hate to live past 40.

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Not by me. I’m actually doing pretty well other than issues with a heart condition I was born with. You can live a good life with SZ while med compliant.


I will take my chances smokin’

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I’m 55 and enjoying myself. I’d like to enjoy myself for a while longer.


I dont want to live past 45 so smoking is not a problem for me


Yeah, being more mentally stable, improved function on fewer APs, feeling and looking better, having more energy, being more physically fit and able to engage in fun activities?

Man, who would what THAT! Pass me another Hostess Ding Dong and light my cig for me, wouldya?


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I wrote and deleted a post that reflected someone else’s views on dependence and how it makes you weak, but deleted it.

While the formula is correct, I am doing an experiment with myself on being an oiginal person rather than a second hand one.

It seems you are looking outside of yourself for reasons or doubts you hold about smoking.

People often defend their vices to the death, even if they are unreasonable.

Don’t worry about them.

It seems to me that you have this under control from the subsequent posts.

For your health, to stop dependence, for the smell, for hygeine, because you don’t want to hurry death, for the money, but mostly do it for yourself.

There are countless reasons to not smoke. There are countless reasons for addiction.

Weigh it up, be strong and make the best choice for you.


@labratmat @shutterbug

Tbh, the more I read “reasons” people have to smoke, the more I’m convinced I’m doing the right thing for myself.


Personal choice

We have the right to make them

One thing right for you is not right for someone else


My opinion?

I used to smoke for 5-6 years, enjoyed it, and now I haven’t touched a cig since 2016. Sometimes I miss it, but mostly, I’m okay with quitting