Do you have a good reason to smoke?

Smoking is a nasty habit.

I hope I can stay smoke free for the rest of my life. It ■■■■■ up your taste and sense of smell, so you don’t realize you stink. It gives you bad breath. It makes your skin look worse, like if you were ill, yellow teeth…

It contributes to back pain, slow healing, shortness of breath, low energy, it gives you stress and anxiety…

Risks of numerous awful illnesses, 10 or more years less of average life expectancy…

I cannot find a single good reason to keep smoking.


There are reasons but not good reasons. I liked the dopamine spike.

I’m happier without cigarettes.


Dopamine spike is only produced because of the nicotine addiction. Non smokers never needed that spike.


same here =) i don’t miss it anymore.


If I added up all the things that I have that are supposed to shorten life expectancy by 10 or more years…smoked for around 30 years, diabetes, schizophrenia, obesity, ect… I should have died before i was born. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

As for the question at hand, no i never had a good reason. At first it was to be cool in highschool, then it was for enjoyment, then it was for enjoyment and addiction.

I vape now. I think its better but still would be better if didnt do that either.


How long did you take to realize that?

I’m two weeks smoke free. I just have the urge sometimes to buy a pack.

I doubt cigs (or vape) give you joy tbh.

they absolutely did. When I smoked I enjoyed both the rush of it(there is a dopamine surge) and I also had become accustomed to the taste and feel and enjoyed it.

So…you can doubt it all you want, but its the truth.


I don’t doubt that’s the truth (for you).

I’m saying that to a non addicted person they taste anf smell awful.

The dopamine stuff is just nicotine addiction as well.

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hmmm not so long. i quit when i was sick and i just never started again when i was getting better and i didn’t notice i missed it. Sometimes when i see smoking in the movies i get this feeling of a craving but it never lasts long.

the hard part is a couple weeks i think and then it’s easier to stay off of them.

don’t buy a pack… push through for a bit, it will get better.


With my asthma, no i will never smoke tobacco again i think

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I honestly have no good reasons to smoke.

THC or nicotine.


I wish I could just quit right now. It’s really an issue…


You can do this!!!

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I’m gonna beat it… Maybe not today but I will :grin:


I enjoy smoking tobacco. Always have. Quittings for quitters lol

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I enjoy smoking


I smoke golden Virginia rolling tobacco. It relaxes me and gives my mind peace, but to each his own

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A pack of American spirits here ranges from 11.50 to 17 dollars or so. I smoke about a pack a day. So I make my own and probably spend a fraction of that now.

I get stimulation, a buzz, or w/e from it.

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