Do you hate when people ask if you've taken your medication

I have never really been asked, but maybe I should be as I keep forgetting my morning lithium. I would definitely be offended if I was asked because I got upset or experienced any other in the range of normal human emotions. Angry or crying or even yelling doesn’t necessarily indicate psychotic.

There was a time or two when I was on Haldol that I hated it a lot.

Depends on who is asking. When my therapist or psychiatrist are asking, I’m fine with it. When my family does it I get more defensive for some reason.

I hate it because it implies that I never have any reason to be agitated other than having missed my meds.

I guess I should work on not caring about that…
I pretty much never miss my meds so I’m usually good anyway lol.

I’m 22 and my Mom does this to me ALL THE TIME.

Have you talked to her about it? Does she know it bothers you?

Yes, but she still does it, despite me telling her that everyone gets angry from time to time.

She does it more when I’m depressed than when I’m angry.

Cheers @77nick77

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Yes. It really bugs me. What I would like is if they would tell me what it is that I did or said that indicates I stopped taking them. Because I haven’t stopped taking them.

I know some of the professionals at the program I’m at probably just ask that question out of protocol. Really gets to me when my family does it though. I know going off meds is a common thing people do, but it feels like I am being stereotyped.