Do you find socilizing and talking tiring

i get tired from doing anything.getting old here


Yes and also don’t find them interesting, seems like a waste of time to me.


It’s tiring to me when I don’t get to say what’s on my mind.

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I feel like an alien around visitors especially when they talk about their lives. They have things I can’t have.


antisycotic makes me less interested and that makes people bored of.i say something complinating and nice and thats about it.back to my room on youtube watch and then sleep.

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Socializing drains me even with my family sometimes.

My brain gets tired

I need my solitude

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when you in soltitude do you use computers and distractions or you just pray and sleep meditate

Yes, I find socialising very tiring. I can hold a conversation for about 30 minutes then I start to fade.


I find it interesting and tiring at the same time. Depending on the person and how well i am doing. At the moment im a hermit. I spend most days completely alone and find it complicated to do the 5 min walk to the supermarket and talk to the caissière. Normally i can do a few hour visits to a friend or volunteering or so, or even spend a full week with my kid. And enjoy people’s company.

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I find socializing to be draining :frowning:

I have a social battery that runs out quick

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It takes it’s toll on me especially if it doesn’t go well

I’m sometimes more interested in my voices than real people. When that’s the case I know I’m not doing too well.

I’ve always found them tiring and awkward, even as a kid. Prefer to do my socializing online and in text. Also like to be able to take breaks from it as it suits me. Extended periods around people is just not fun for me.


Definitely! I try to avoid family functions and don’t invite my friends over much if at all. I prefer socialising behind a screen and typing.

I value the time spent with my husband and parents but after an hour or so I get tired and need a break.

I’ve always found solitude to be energising. To write in my journal and read and reflect… If I don’t get to do these things a lot I’d go crazy.


This website and one other is the extent of my socialising.

I can just about navigate my way around appointments for health and visiting family, but there is just no room for this in my life.

Also, I have taken a hint from all my failed friendships in the past, and given up trying to be friends with people in my community

Can be lonely sometimes, but I find all you here a great bunch, and I really appreciate the interaction with you all.

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100% yes. But it’s also tiring to never socialize.

Yes… and I can’t seem to have any interest in any topic😕

I find socializing exhausting. I either don’t talk enough, or I overcorrect and talk too much. I never know when to start speaking so I’m constantly interrupting people. I overeat or drink if there’s food around in an attempt to soothe my anxiety.

Then I spend the rest of the day or night ruminating about it.

It depends on how big the crowd is…if it’s family I can stay all day or night and not get anxious but if it’s strangers I’m around I have to leave after about an hour…