Do you feel safe wearing Nike clothes?

I’m not in the best of shape. I may be paranoid but when I wear my Nike hoodie I think it my upset other people. Nike’s stock went up a ton by endorsing Kaepernick and making a commercial about him. It upset many people when he started kneeling in the NFL. Lot’s of recent negative news stories about racism and antisemitism. Not sure how much Nike winds people up. In the inner cities people were killed because others wanted wanted the shoes so bad. Now I’m not sure if someone would kill you for wearing Nike because they don’t like you because that’s how certain groups of people tell who they don’t like immediately.

Do you proudly wear Nike? Or is it kind of scary.


it’s funny you say that I was just thinking of that wearing my nike shoes into town. they’re really comfy and I don’t think people really judge you on your footwear. it’s ok to wear it, I think most people wont look down on you for wearing it. I sympathize with Kaepernick some but typically I look down on football players for their chosen profession.

really I would like to wear made in America shoes but they’re hard to get and expensive. new balance makes some here in the states im told, probably from now on i’ll wear new balance.


Im OK with Nike on my trainers but for some reason I don’t like Nike writing on my clothes although I do enjoy their quality. I’m not sure why that is.


for fashion I don’t like to advertise. like im a walking billboard. I try to not wear clothes with labels anyway. when I was in my teens I was all about wearing some name brand stuff but not for the last 10 years or so.


I wear Nike shoes because they fit very well and have a lot of support. I don’t really care one way or the other about the political implications of the brand. I do feel bad because i’ve heard they use sweatshops though, so i’m not sure about that.

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Yeah good point @disciple

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I just got some nikes. I never thot about that tbh.

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Quite honestly, i don’t wear brand label clothing. However, i wouldn’t blink an eye to wear Nike over here. There is no negative connotation toward it that i know of.

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I was more opposed to the new Nike slogan, “Dream crazy.” I don’t know how to interpret that.

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I could care less about what wearing Nike the brand says about me. I have a pair of their shoes I really like because they’re well made. Got them for $10 at a thrift store in great shape. I don’t own anything else Nike because I don’t see the point of paying money to advertise someone’s brand. I’ve got no use for Kapernick, but at least he has the right idea: Nike pays him to wear their logo. That’s how it should be.


I’ve never thought about it but I don’t have anything Nike

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I have some new Nike shoes. The shoes are all black, you can barely see the swoosh, and I got it because it was so well reviewed as a comfortable shoe. I normally don’t wear brand stuff, except for a few Ralph Lauren polo shirts.


I guess I was just having unusual thoughts. Sorry.


Most everything is made in sweatshops


Yeah that’s true.

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I wear Nike shoes. Have for years but I think them choosing Kepernick was a mistake. Don’t like the guy or what he represents.

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I don’t care for nike, but I wouldn’t accost for anyone wearing their stuff. That would be weird.

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Air jordans are like hugely expensive nowadays. And very coveted.

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