When I sleep and dream I feel normal, no SZ symptoms. Its the time when I feel the best and most normal. My mind is normal and healthy when I dream.
All this stops when I wake up, only to struggle again with symptoms like mind blocking, forgetting, negative, cognitive and some positive symptoms like delusions.
Why is the brain like that? I learned in my psychology university classes that the brain is working at its highest level during REM sleep.
Its constantly repairing and rewiring during sleep.
Its more active during sleep than when being awake.
I have nightmares very related to delusions and fears, fearful memories. Sleeping is a bit scary at times, when i have a lot of symptoms they continue in my dreams and dreams from years ago still feed my fears now.
On good nights, like I’ve been having, I don’t feel sick, and I can dream in peace. Flashes of scenarios, easily fade.
Bad nights it’s hard to tell dreams from reality sometimes. When I’m already flooding with dopamine and having a hard time telling what’s real anyway. It’s then PRN time.
SLeeping is my best time. I dream a lot, which leaves me exhausted by the time I wake up (today that was 13.40), but also entertained and ready to face my negatives of the day.
I did a while back…i was off meds and started to use a tiny bit of haldol again. It is not something constant…it is with ups and downs. In bad periods i have bad dreams and in good periods i sleep well.
At the moment im struggling because my mum just died and our relationship was ambivalent. So i dream about that a lot. I feel it is also important to process things, so i dont want to up the dose more. I accept that i have some issues…it is annoying, but i can bear them i guess.