Do you feel judged on this website

I feel like maybe people think maybe I shouldn’t be on benefits. If anyone here thinks that. You don’t know me off this website.

Likewise goes to all members here we don’t know them irl. And we are not qualified assessors.


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Yes that’s right everyone I receive benefits!!!

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And at one point I was on pip too but that was ended cos I’m in a much more recovery phase now


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No, I don’t feel judged on this website. I’ve stated several times that I’m on disability and have not yet had anyone condemn me for it. I worked for over 25 years and paid into Soc. Security and I don’t see anything wrong with taking disability when you need it.


No one is judging you for being on benefits if you need them.

I think you’re being a little dramatic.

A lot of people here receive some sort of assistance,

No judgments, some people just need more help than others.


I don’t think I’m being dramatic
Maybe paranoid of what people think of me that is all
But paranoia can feel real. If it’s paranoia that is.

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I don’t think you have any reason to be paranoid.

No one is judging you.

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OK. I hope so. I’ll try not to think about it. Cos its annoying.

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I collect SSDI
I paid into the system, working at the same job for decades.

It’s all good.


I hope to be well enough by November to cope with work. I believe I will be. I am gonna attempt full time! My medication has been reduced in dose this year so I am feeling gradual improvements.


I feel judged, but only by reading into posts. I doubt my sz dx quite a bit.


I feel judged sometimes… that maybe stuff I say come across wrong …


Why do you doubt your diagnosis if you can hear voices right? I never understand that. For me it’s very obvious that I have suffered from psychosis.

my voices are all external and are very clever and realistic.

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I feel the same way sometimes… You just got to remind yourself of your personal intentions and focus on that


Sorry to hear that. Just imo I defo think it’s not real. Mine were extremely real but when I recovered from the voices I see that it is not real

Yes sometimes I feel judged but I blather my whole life all over the place so I would expect a little of that from time to time. I get way more support than judgement by far so it’s worth it. And by the way I receive benefits too and I don’t judge you at all.


Thank you. I’m taking meds and am pretty sure I’m gonna increase one AP soon.

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Yeah that’s what I’m trying to do

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Yea I kind of expect some judgement too as I judge ppl myself too. But I try not to jump to negative conclusions it’s very hard to sometimes.

I’m working on it though.