Do you ever take benzo's?

I take half a valium every work morning atm. Bad anxiety currently.

But I hate the way I feel on it.

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I used to take Klonopin everyday for years!
I slowly tapered off of Klonopin and now am benzo free!

Glad I am.


I take 2mg Klonopin in the morning plus I have 1mg as a PRN. The Klonopin really helps the psychosis. When the demon is all worked up and screaming in my face the PRN calms him down. It also helps me when I see other beings or am hearing voices. I feel much calmer and the psychosis drifts away. :sunny:

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I was on xanax for years and ended up having a gran mal stopping them suddenly. I slowly weened myself off of them and have probably been benzo free for over 10 years now. I still get anxiety but I deal with it a lot better than I used too!

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i take xanax a couple nights a week

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I use 2mg Ativan prn. I’ve used Ativan for years and have built a tolerance so simple anxiety requires a large dose. I’m almost to the point where I’ll have to just give it up and learn to deal like others have had to do.