Do you ever feel like you should give back for your disability?

I do. The real world is a tough place and I feel lucky to have disability at such a young age (I’m 38) but I feel a little uncomfortable that other people are paying for it. So I’ve decided to write a book and donate the proceeds to charity (mental health research). I also work at a dollar store and feel it’s good to be helping people less fortunate.

So what are you guys doing to give back? Do you feel you should?


I am not on disability but i feel like we owe everything we have in life to one person or another. I give back with kindness.

It’s about all i can do right now.

I am confused. I thought to get ssdi you had to be unable to work? Sorry for my ignorance but i would like to know more about how it works

They let you work some while on SSDI without penalty. They say you can make up to 1000 a month.

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LOL this disability owes me everything I could ever dream of having

And more.

But to give back those who suffer? All day, every day. And I will give back to those who suffer, too.

I dream of paying back what I took in disability, which will be legally possible after I make roughly $61,000 a year CDN.

Yeah I did the part time work + disability for a year and a half. I think this month is the last one they will pay me. But I tried working full time twice and still wish I could.

I worked most of my life and paid into Social Security so I don’t feel like I should have to pay it back. I’m hoping to go back to work someday and raise the amount I get for retirement.

I don’t concern myself with that. I do worry that I will regret going back to work fulltime if I lose my disability.

Yes, I would love to give back my disability to whoever wants it.

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Be careful there. You don’t wanna make over $840 gross per month not $1000. They will start to take it away if you make too much. Look it up on ssa’s website.


@mmasters you’re such a lovely bloke!!
You have a wonderful penchant to help people and make the world a better place!!
Love you!!!