Or does that statement just tempt us to care less and go out of control more. Somewhere there’s got to be a balance between discipline and freedom. Do any of you struggle with this?
Yes, I struggle to dance the tango alone too.
That quote is not so much about going it alone as it is about people who get into trouble are “asking for it”. That no one is so innocent, not even the victim.
Yes it takes two to tango, however a lot of people spend a fair amount of time not realizing that they are in the dance. Once you realize that you are in the dance, then it’s your responsibility to break away, if it’s an unhealthy dance you’re in. But plenty of people get manipulated into the dance in the first place without realizing it. So it’s no good to blame yourself or others for getting tricked into the dance. Rather it’s about empowerment when one realizes that they have the power to quit the dance.
I believe there are times that are clearly not the victim’s fault. For instance, if a bolt of lightning comes down and strikes a man in his front yard, would that be his fault?
He might have been suicidal.
I think that saying means that when sometimes a conflict occurs with another person, the victim could either walk away or defuse the situation. If he decides to argue or physically fight back than he is no longer an innocent person in the affair, he is somewhat responsible for the conflict and the result.
Yeah there is a certain level of responsibility for keeping a level head.
Victor Frankl believed that right next to the statue of liberty ought to be a statue of responsibility. I’m not in favor of blaming the victim, but some people victimized themselves.
People don’t normally fight with themselves…or have conversations with themselves… Hence it takes 2…
Guess we don’t apply
I believe it takes a 3/4 time signature to tango, at least properly.
With that said as a partial joke, it takes two to tango, but the situation must be right (hints the 3/4 joke). I’m not saying be aggresive but if someone is spouting ignorant ■■■■, try to correct them without raising a fuss. If the other person becomes hostile, or you become hostile, just try and walk away.
I think it is normal to have to fight with yourself any time there is conflict.
I used to feel like I was that end kid on the game crack the whip, and too stubborn to let go.
I hated having to be attached to someone else when they had no regard for my health and/or safety.