You really need someone behind you, win or lose

Because the heartbreak of being defeated is to painful to bear alone. With help, we can pick ourselves up and begin again, but not without it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Then I’m fcked. :sweat_smile::upside_down_face:

Well, get to work on somebody so that you can say someone has your back.

Get to work on somebody, all the way through to eventual rejection.

I think it’s better to go at it alone. Or at the very least, expecting to be alone. You can’t count on people.

Taking a defeat alone is what landed me in a state hospital to begin with.

I’m not a defeatist. But when no one’s around, no one’s around.

Living alone made me lazy.

Sometimes you don’t have a choice.

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Do you have a choice? If not, why not?

Because feedback is necessary.

Precisely my point. You need someone for support (feedback).

Yes, but it’s not a guarantee. Which is my point.

I have spent most of my life without friends or family.

It is not okay, fun, or helpful. But it has been necessary.

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What made it necessary?

Lack of feedback.

You hit on a frozen mind and got hurt, right?

If I were concerned with frozen minds, I wouldn’t be arguing with you.

We are our brothers’ keeper. I was not able to say that a cold doctor didn’t destroy my belief in myself and my desire to work by calling me cold. When I lost feedback (or support), I became a loser. Most of us needed to work a job for survival.

I’d rather be a loser, than a conquest of a frozen mind.

You’re already a loser when you get trapped by the frozen mind. It’s just that you haven’t realized the trap. You mistake it for a mentor or a teacher. That’s what happened to me, anyway.