how is it for you. i hope you feel fine. i will watch a movie on the laptop right now- ‘‘unbroken’’.
i saw my sz friend and i saw her madness too. she is narcissistic,me i am not like this. she takes really great about herself,is always well dressed, i wanna be like this also… i think she doesnt take her medicines but she has black and white thinking a bit and talks without listening to others… and me, i am empty in my soul, i still suffer. 5th day on zyprexa 10 mg, take care
i suppose i just need some encouragement
“do you believe in recovery?” … ,
We Are All Here Aren’t We (???)
I think I do.
But I don’t expect 100% recovery.
70-80% would be enought for me.
Now I’m 50-55% recovered.
Still a long way to go.
Need to learn to live with it.
if you are talking about Recovery…you should mean:
a. One without any Meds
b. One without any delusions, hallucinations and other psychotic symptoms for a period of atleast 3 months
I don’t mind if I have to take meds for good, as long as I can function as normal ppl do.
Jesus seriously saurav, most of schizophrenics need meds, it’s not like we like to take them but we need them. Be glad you don’t.
Yes, I believe in recovery. It takes a lot of strenght and sometimes we don’t even realize we have that strenght until we actually accomplished something. So don’t despair @Anna1, I think you are doing better now than you were a few weeks ago.
Yes sorry @Minnii
I meant without Hospitalizations too. (Thats where I am heading btw)… So yeah, Medications are always a better trade off than Hospitalization, Which is what I will pay for taking no Meds.
So folks please don’t heed my advice.
minnie it snot really better here. i am just without meds the time that zyprexa builds up in my system. its serious for me… its serious to have 13 years of isolation behind you… i am not sure ill do it if meds wont work, i try but my head will explode. i have headaches because i am trying to control myself the other thing are the distractions. the sz friend of mine gave up qith meds, she doesnt like them,she doesnt take them and she still has issues. there is the stigma here, all the guys are dropping her
me, i even dont go on contact with guys anymore cause i dont know what i want anymore. i dont feel love for the moment,itshould be scary for the sane to hear that.
I used to think so, but I’m not sure anymore. It would take decades off of medications & strong dieting and rest.
I’m off of medications, but still detoxing from them. I don’t think I’ll ever be 100% recovered, but I’m hopeful that I can at least stabilize. I feel fairly stable - I can get all the necessities in life and get adequate rest. That’s about all I need.
Are you still pacing around the house?
no minnii,less… this was haldol i think
You see? somethings are better… don’t give up.
yeah, some things are better… sorry to be so down but i am worried how ill get through this with my years of isolation…
i faked being schizophrenic
From what you say, you seem less isolated than me and I’m fine. Isolation isn’t the worst thing in the world when nobody really understands us.
ok,i have two friends thats all… what i cant is to go out but probably it will change too… i didnt loved and paid attention to my body in the past, now i have it strange. but i dont wanna complain anymore, i want to live i think
I have three friends, and I almost never see them. I know a lot of people but they all ditched me when they found out I’m sick… It’s a tough world, we have to understand where we stand in it. Do you want to be the person that just sees the bad in life or do you want to make your life count for yourself. Ultimately, it’s your own choice, illness or no illness.
winning the lotto is my compo
yeah i know it s a choice but i overcontrol now and its tough. i ve isolated myself from friends, lovers, i ve quitted job,studies everything… its hard now,ive done some mistakes… alot probably
It’s never late, you can still do something when you feel better. I’m sure you’ll feel better.