It’s super annoying when people don’t understand you. My dad doesn’t understand why I don’t get things done, for example I can’t take a shower and I can’t handle doing chores. I’m pretty sure everybody experiences this as well. The reason why it is super annoying is because he forces me to do chores when I can’t handle it.
Yes, my dad thinks I’m just not trying hard enough. I know he only wants the best for and to see me get better, but he doesn’t understand why I find it impossible
Yeah, my father things the same thing, that I don’t try enough.
Does your father still make you do chores.
My father keeps arguing with when I don’t get things done.
I don’t live with my parents anymore, so no. I actually think doing chores is a good thing, although I don’t really do them much, the problem is being able to focus one’s energy towards them. I really don’t know why I find it so hard to look after myself and direct my energy towards things that would improve my situation. Even at the moment, when I’m trying to stick to a routine, the things I am doing are pretty pointless. But then everything is pointless to some degree, we make our own meaning in life.
I really want to please my father, I really do love him, and it hurts a lot when he tells me I’m useless and a waste of space, although I know he loves me too. He used to be so proud of me and have high hopes for my future. I feel like I’ve let him down
My father keeps arguing with me whenever I can’t do something.
Sharing a space with someone when you’ve got this condition is tough. I know my parents suffered a lot because of it and eventually forced me to move out because they couldn’t take it anymore. Even now, I phone them every day, burdening them with worry. If my parent’s didn’t love me, they wouldn’t put up with it at all. It’s not our fault, we have an illness, but I try to understand why my parents would despair. I despair too, nothing I do seems to help, I just can’t look after myself or improve my situation without assistance.
Why did your parents kick you out?
Being ignored.
They just couldn’t take sharing a home with me, the constant relapsing, having to look after me all the time on their own and pick up the pieces. Plus they were getting older.
Hey DNA, I don’t know what to say, I’m sure your mum has some love for you, she is your mother after all. Hope that doesn’t sound patronising.
I think your parents kicked you out is because they didn’t understand you.
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