Do flies have cameras?

I have two or three now in my living room.

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No. I thought birds did. It caused me anguish when I hit a drive on the golf course and hit a goose. It caused me some concern with a friend of mine but playing golf when psychotic is a problematic thing!


It feels as if they’re fake beings,
robots, with tiny cameras

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Why do you think they have tiny cameras on the flies?

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Cos i feel I’m being watched by everything.
Every particle of dust is an eye.
Every atom is an eye, a camera

I think you are experiencing symptoms. How can people put cameras on dust particles, and atoms. Why would people put a bunch of cameras on you at once.

I thought birds were psychic message carriers before

Every living thing I thought was tapped into the universes grand consciousness and there was some elaborate system

Everything is an eye

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What do you mean?

Everything sees everything.
Everything is conscious.

I think you are still experiencing symptoms. It doesn’t make sense to me.

It doesn’t make sense?
Everything is an eye.
Whole world is conscious.


Cameras are everywhere.

TV says some hints,
so that i wake up,
and question reality.

It’s more entertaining for viewers
to see me struggling with truman,
rather than being unaware and unconscious.

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I think you are delusional. I am just trying help. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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Nah. I don’t think so.
I’m just aware of the truman

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What does truman mean?

Truman show.

It’s a movie about a guy being the protagonist
of a reality show, without him knowing.
Everyone is an actor and everything is according to
the script.

Do you think I am against you?

I think everyone is an actor.

Yesterday as I was driving,
I could imagine my self
pictured in the screens and monitors
of the directors.

Everyone is
a philosophical zombie,
a soulless robot,
an actor.
This is the only thing
I am sure of.

I am sorry you are going through this. I hope you feel better.

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I’m a bit paranoid now.

Cameras and the show don’t make me
feel special.
On the contrary, I feel cursed