Since sz I sleep ok but I don’t dream anymore, I don’t feel like I am going into deep sleep. I feel half awake while sleeping. Is it the meds or the sz? Maybe thats why I am always tired?
I miss having good dreams.
I have no idea about your ap’s but mine don’t stop me from having dreams. I am aware of my dreams almost every night. Unfortunately, my dreams are usually bad.
I have periods Where i dont dream and dream…
I’m usually a light sleeper but I’ll dream almost every night but some times I’ll forget my dreams.
I have the opposite, I have very, very intense dreams on my APs. Sometimes it feels like I’m awake and living them while I’m sleeping. Unfortunately, though, I need a lot of sleep to feel ok while on these meds. Usually 9-10 hours is the sweet spot for me, even though I can make it with less every so often.
Weird, I dreamt on Quetiapine and Risperidone. Not sure about Olanzapine, Abilify and the other meds I tried in the hospital though.
I rarely dream, or if I do I don’t remember them.
I also rarely dream or just very lightly. The AP block it.
Olanzapine had me sleeping like a baby. Once I quit it I developed withdrawal insomnia. Now I can’t sleep without clonazepam.
Can’t say. Even on APs I didn’t feel refreshed waking up from 9-10 hour sleep. I dream. Some days I can recall these others I can’t.
It’s the SZ that disturbs sleep.
I almost never have good dreams. Too much of the trauma of my youth is on repeat in my head when I sleep. It also gets swirled together in strange ways that make it even worse. I have no idea why it happens, but it happens too much.
While my son was alive, I had simply horrible nightmares. Like feeling my head running through an electric wood saw. That kind of level of horrible dreams.
After my son died, all my dreams turned very sweet. And I don’t know why.
I’m very sorry for the loss of your son, but glad that you have found some measure of relief.
Thank you so much @shutterbug .
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