Do you deep-sleep without dreams?

Ever since I got on ap’s that’s since 2015 … I could never experience deep sleep. Even if I sleep for one hour I get dreams. Sleep quality has reduced a lot. Always feel tired through out the day.

How do you overcome such problems?

(Sleeping pills only make matters worse).

I almost always dream nowadays. I remember when I was younger, pre sz, I wondered why I wasn’t having dreams so, at one time I didn’t dream much but these days I do.

I get erotic dreams lol

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Dreams come and go for me, sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t

That’s nice! I’ve had them once or twice in my life.

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Sometimes its annoying when its too much.

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Don’t you dare complain! Enjoy it while it lasts!

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Yeah pre sz even I used to sleep without dreams.

Hmm. . .

Ever Since I Awoke From A Coma (After Hitting A Brick Wall At 65 MPH), No Broken Bones.

Which Is So Strange. I Remember Jumping Out Of The Car. But!, Nothing Else.

Like Taking A Nap, (7 Weeks), Almost Dying, Waking Up, And Not Remembering Your Dreams.

Since Then, It Is Very Rare That I Ever Receive Anything From The Senses Of The Dreamlike State.

But!, When I Do Awake Within Remembrance, It Is Beautiful.

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