Do APs help with disorganized thinking/behavior?

Do APs help with disorganized thinking/behavior?

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Yes absolutely.

So did AP improved your thought process?

You were able to think more clearly?

Yes. It took a while to find the right dosage of meds but they alleviated my issues with thinking.

To memory as well as being very paranoid, I also would find it really difficult to know how to react to people. And my thoughts would distract me from what was actually going on. Sometimes I would just sit thinking and waste away time. And even my short term memory was really bad.
That went away with Anti-psychotics.

Which one helped

I dont know…

On AP my thinking feels slow and boxed in. I feel i cant access all my thoughts. As if something is disrupting the flow, but i know it is there. Memories feel distant. I find myself a rational robot. Other people find me (as) normal (as i get). My focus is more outside.

On very low doses of AP, i like my thinking better. Im more associative, creative, pensative, emotional, my mind feels more like myself. Though im more chaotic, distracted and eccentric…I can still act superficially normal.

Without AP and in psychosis…I myself at that time (!) feel my mind is very bright and i finally see things clearly. I can access memories much better and connect things rapidly. It FEELS more clear and organised from inside, but Im pretty sure others would not describe it that way. :grimacing: Nor would i in retrospect.

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They dont improve my thinking or other symptoms much.

Yes they do, my mother told me that when unmedicated I was bizarre and talking nonsense, I was also talking and relpying to myself nonsense.


The worst part is that I don’t remember these as my memory was pretty bad without meds.

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Yes my mother wasn’t even able to understand what we were saying to her off-meds.
Also see Carol’s transformation in this video:


I was freezing when talking without meds. I also had some catatonia.

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I hope it does tho my pdoc still diagnosed me with disorganized schizophrenia even if I was medicated

Wow wonder what med did all this amazing progress!

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Yeah I can think better and put my thoughts together and think clearer — due to APs.
But I still struggle and I have some permanent deficits