When I was on Invega I had mini (1hour long) breakthrough paranoia episodes, that usually ended pretty soon and I was back to normal, but those were pretty scary and intense. Now Im on haloperidol and every few months I have like this hypomania episodes, followed by minor delusions and lessened negative symptoms (like mini mini long episodes) after that Im normal and exhausted. Do your meds fully protect from your episodes?
I have one big continuous episode;
breakthrough symptoms all the time,
some times I’m free of symptoms but
it doesn’t last.
Yes I have breakthrough symptoms of paranoia and voices these last two years been worse I’m getting them every couple days and it’s horrible and causes me lots of anxiety
I’m on clozapine
No matter what AP, and no matter at what dose, I’m told I’m hallucinating and delusional.
But, there are some things that have stopped happening while on meds so they are still helping me
I occasionally get some mild anxiety but that is rare and that is all.
I still get symptoms on meds, especially if I’m under stress. Been dealing with a few hallucinations and paranoia lately, and disturbed sleep
My delusions can get tough and may last for weeks even on meds.
But then again I can also go fairly symptom free for days.
The ones that lasts the longest is delusions of grandeur.
Ideas/delusions of reference come and go all the time. Sometimes for an hour, sometimes for days.
It helps to up my AP and use more of my prn during episodes.
yes i go through ■■■■ even on meds. not really an episode id say. thats off medication. no paranoia. right now i have TB and have for years. i was telling the doc i was fine other than anxiety but i did tell him i was hearing some voices. havent told anyone about TB. i eventually will. i didnt trust them yet as i thought id go back to the hospital. i was there a year. it sucked. i do go through stuff though. lately this year its been false memories and drug use i dwell on. all distasteful stuff. i hate it.
Yes, I still have small episodes that last maybe an hour/few hours. This is why I don’t go to the hospital often – I don’t need to spend a week there, when my episodes only last a few hours. I’m hoping I never have to go back…
I never get positive symptoms on meds but my negative symptoms are 24/7.
I get flashing images in my head of silly stuff, sometimes obscene. Intrusive thoughts.
Voices, visuals, divine thoughts. Still not sure of a few things I believe. Every day since I was 15.
Max dose Zyprexa. 20mg.
This is from webmd.com :
When taken by mouth : Colloidal silver is likely unsafe. The silver in colloidal silver gets deposited into the skin and various organs. This can lead to a permanent bluish color that first appears in the gums. Areas of the skin exposed to the sun will become increasingly discolored. It can also damage organs.
It’s been pointed out to staff that silver colloidal is said to be unsafe by webmd. Please stop recommending it. We don’t want members health compromised because of misinformation about some regimen that eliminates symptoms.
Edit: After further research, I have found that it can turn you blue and causes issues with organs and brain. Also declared unsafe by FDA. Please do not take people!
I always had but since cutting down on certain things like caffeine I think the excess things that you don’t think are a concern are actually a concern. Cuz I could tolerate it for so long you forget when you can’t.
I now see that @everhopeful pointed out most of issues with silver colloidal in post above mine. Did not see before posting. Thanks for being on the ball @everhopeful .
Zyprexa worked really well for me and my sleep was amazing!
Sadly I put a lot of weight on that took me a year to slim down again. x
What is TB? Do you mean TD?
I still get mild episodes. Even on meds.
Yes I get mild episodes about once every 10 days I’m hoping it improves.