Do Aliens exist?

You see, Aliens are not 3-Dimensional like humans. they are 4-D, 5-D and above. Until humanity realises this, we will constantly believe ourselves to be alone in the universe.


I believe in advanced aliens, molecular aliens, and aliens that pigs rule the planet or something. All different stages of aliens.

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As many alien races as there are grains of sand in the Sahara desert…


There are as many stars in the universe as there are grains of sand in all the deserts and all the beaches in the world. Surely some of them generated intelligent life. It could be that advanced civilizations already exist, and they are watching us to see if we destroy ourselves with technology, whether it be from thermonuclear war or from global warming. One time one of my astronomy professors mentioned this theory among some astronomists that shortly after intelligent life develops in the universe it destroys itself with nuclear weapons.

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I think this is a good video but i still don’t believe in aliens. I would rather believe in God instead.

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Are there aliens elsewhere? Possibly. Are they able to get to Earth? Maybe. Would they waste their time stalking ordinary people with zero influence? Doubt it.


From everything I have learned and observed, I do not believe there is intelligent life anywhere near us in the Universe. I don’t think aliens have been here, will be here or are watching us. I think the circumstances that created human life are remote and therefore the chances of intelligent life anywhere near us is remote. BTW: I believe in evolution and I am an atheist.
Interesting, though! I believed I was an alien for a short while due to delusions. I have also believed God was speaking through me even though I do not believe in a Supreme Being. Those delusions will get ya.

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I also believe there is outer dimensional life.

I agree that the abilities of highly advanced sciences have little interest in us… Well hopefully they’ll find a cure tho

I think the alien situation is like Stargate SG1 the tv series. It’s all being kept from the public.

The show is on Hulu for subscribers.


Pfft. Politicians can’t even keep their emails secret.


Considering the concept of hybridism, they may have interest in those that have incarnated as humans…

I wouldn’t believe it myself, if I hadn’t experienced them through the Astral Dimension…

I’ve always wondered if Aliens have their own religions as well…

Advanced and above our visible dimension have taken me…this one I cannot tell if its real or not…I have a witness to the hums their portal device makes…unmistakable noise most Hume’s don’t even notice them…

The question is not if aliens exist but rather if they are as alienated as humanity in general and human beings particularly. The figure of the alien living in outer space or better in other third, fourth, tenth or umpteenth dimension is the chemically pure production of our own capitalistic alienation : a schizophrenic decay that definitely splits our mind into pieces as it splits us from this world. Beyond this world naturally hosts the alien figure in a process that tends to recreate the original unity of the cosmos, as God was beyond this world in older times. Esoteric litterature often mixed UFOs, (ancient)aliens/astronauts with ancient gods and goddess. It’s all about ALIENATION not aliens.:alien:

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Aliens exist. A basic fact in my opinion. Why? Because we humans and other life forms exist here on earth and considering the size of the universe, the idea that there are not other living things somewhere else is absurd. Have aliens come to earth? Probably not, and the reason comes down to the pure insignificance of earth itself. If alien’s were going to go somewhere, why would they come here and what would their motivation be? Also the alien civilization would have to have the technology to come here, so they would have to be very advanced civilization and they would have to be within a reachable time or distance.

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Thanks to the wonders of the Holy Grail Stone ‘Moldavite’ Under my pillow as I slept, I was able to encounter a parastic alien that has been psychically controllign and inccfluencing me from a young age, also feeding of my energy. It was a very intense experience, that lasted 5 mins at least in the astral realm, the world between being asleep and awake. Extraordinarily, I also discovered is using coca-cola to feed them self, and are behind its manufacture.

I suggest, anyone of you, whom want to meet any one/thing, that may be connected to, and wish to break free, to sleep with Moldavite under the pillow. A good idea is also to use a smudging stick to clear negative energies. It works like magic, but may take a few days for the negative energies to show themselves.

Not high on the list of things I’m worrying about, to be honest. Currently tweaking my taco meat recipe this evening as the latter is more important to the future of humanity.

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