Disorganised/Hebephrenic Sz facts and causes (article)

Very interesting, but when the article provides optimism when it states that people with disorganized schizophrenia can hold down jobs etc, I’m guessing that’s very rare? Is there even anyone on this forum with disorganized schizophrenia?

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Hi Raffa, yes I think there are one or two people with disorganised schizophrenia on the forum. Can’t remember who and I wouldn’t call them out anyway.

It probably is rare that disorganised schizophrenics can hold down a job, but even if one does that is enough to give the rest of us hope, I feel.


Yo yo yo!




My diagnosis is disorganized schizophrenia.
I used to have a job. I have good and bad years it seems. Stress makes totally incapable of doing anything.

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Thanks for sharing @dcmouse. I hope you can find a way to keep stress to an absolute minimum so things can improve for you.

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I think I have it but I’m not yet diagnossed

What medication are you on if you don’t mind me asking?

@y76 has “hebephrenic” schizophrenia.

This sounds exactly like what I go through. But I haven’t been officially diagnosed. I also really appreciat the publication’s hopeful tone, the positive outlook really gives me hope for my future.


I’m very confused, because I thought that by definition, disorganized schizophrenia sufferers exhibit totally incomprehensible language - whereas everyone on here appears totally coherent. Is it a case of writing being a lot easier than speaking? Or in the case of the people on this forum, have antipsychotics just been extremely effective? I’m very interested because I’ve been diagnosed as ‘at risk for developing psychosis’, and my main symptoms are disorganized thinking (but only subjectively at the moment) and ever-worsening negative symptoms…

I feel like I have a mild disorganized component to my illness. Since I have persistent derailment and alogia. My paranoid symptoms are just intrusive thoughts, nothing else. Since I have many relatives on both my mother and fathers side of the family who have schizophrenia I think the likelihood of me developing a combination of the two is likely. During my acute psychotic phase conceptual disorganization was one major symptom for me.

Of course, I think these categories are obsolete. A hallucination dominated subtype is long overdue. Perhaps split into two categories, visual and audio.

I think its likely on a spectrum like autism, not everyone gets to the total ‘word salad’ level. I have been worse than this where I can’t really write well (and I still can’t focus to read for longer than a few minutes) but I have been slowly getting back to normal. I am about 1000 times better than I was 4 years ago. I don’t know exactly what the criteria are for diagnosing it.
I haven’t taken meds for several years based on psychologist advice (extreme toxic reaction to meds) and also just doing CBT. I think everyone is different. For me now my biggest issue is staying focused. I think writing is easier than speech because you can take your time with it and edit your sentences and submit when it looks good. My speech is still an obvious problem to any random person trying to talk to me. I get a lot of what they call thought blocking where I just loss my train of thought when speaking and forget where I was and going to say next.
I don’t know about other people but I first got this schizophrenia in my early 20s and after 5 or so years was back to almost my old self and had a successful career up until about age 48 and it hit me bad again. I am now crawling back to some version of normality

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Has you got an improvement without taking meds ?

I can’t say I have this, however, I can kinda relate to being disorganized.
As my symptoms progressed before treatment, I’d unintentionally mix up words, it wasn’t bad enough I’d actually mix up an entire sentence, though it was catching me to become a bit frustrated.
I couldn’t have coherent thoughts at times either, they’d seem to be rushed and wouldn’t even finish properly.
My focus/concentration was kind of dying out as well, more than usual. I exhibited what people might’ve thought were absent seizures at the time…and found myself smirking randomly at sad material that I previously found saddening and reacted as such.
It was a bit odd for me but wasn’t sure whether or not to be concerned, however, it was abnormal for me.

I have been dx’d in addition to Sz and DID, formal thought disorder was also on the list.
What was the question again?

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