Dishes are the bane of my existence

Doing the dishes is probably the most draining task for me. I don’t have a dishwasher and they pile up so fast. I hate doing them but I have to or else roaches come around.


Buy paper plates if possible? Laundry is my kryptonite.

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I use paper plates and plastic cups. I don’t like using paper bowls as I don’t find they hold up well with hot meals. Most of the dishes are cookware and bowls. I try to cook at home as often as I can because it saves money but the dishes pile up so fast

I use plastic ware as well but sometimes I prefer using metal spoons and forks

My wife fired our maid. Her and I couldn’t agree on what was proper work attire for the maid. In my opinion, less is more. She doesn’t share my view. :smiley:


I have a dislike for keeping up on the dishes too so I totally feel ya there.

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Vacuuming and dishes are both banes of my existence.

It is vacuuming for me. Or folding laundry which I rarely do. I put off dishes but once I get going I actually kind of find it relaxing.


If I had a bane it would be heavy traffic. This area is known for it’s congestion and bad freeways. No such thing as a peaceful drive around here.

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Sometimes I find it relaxing too. Usually when someone else is doing them.


Haha wouldn’t that be nice

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its vacuuming for me too. :slight_smile:

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+1 on the dishes

I have dishes as well. Thankfully we do have a dish washer.

I have the hardest time with vacuuming and dishes. I know why with vacuuming is because the sound bothers me but I don’t know why I have such a hard time with dishes. Luckily my husband likes to do dishes

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I don’t enjoy dishes, but they’re much less tedious if you do them in small increments and don’t let them pile up.

I do them as soon as I’m done eating, before I let myself do anything else.
If I’m cooking, I wash what I’ve used while I wait for the food to finish.
At the very least I rinse it off so food doesn’t get caked on it.

I had a roommate who would leave the dishes out for several days, and then put them in water and leave them for another few days.
When I talked to him about it, he just said they needed to soak.
They don’t need to soak for three days, and wouldn’t need soaking if he washed them off after use!

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That’s a really good idea, I’m not sure how I didn’t think of it! I try to rinse all my dishes when I put them in the sink but sometimes it’s just too much effort

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Haha, I will admit I’m really bad at cups or glasses. If I think I’m gonna use them again for the same thing within a few hours I just quickly rinse them with water, if I even do that.
Has lead to some very stained coffeecups :sweat_smile:

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