In your family, the disfunction comes from your dad or from your mom?
My mom most definitely. Narcissistic, immature, manipulative, heavy drug user and rapid cycling bipolar. It really screwed me up as a child when my parents would fight over her drug use and out of control spending. In the end I still loved her, and always will. She committed suicide two years ago and I still blame myself for it, even though I know its irrational.
My greatest fear is ending up like her. I can see a lot of her in me.
That’s a very sad story. I hope you can be you, with the help of profissionals, and dont repeat a another sad story. Wish you the best.
Thanks @Greenmind, I do my best. Im lucky my dad has been so strong through it all and supportive, and I have the greatest doctor, shes amazing. One positive from the whole thing is its made me strong and ambitious, and Im working my hardest to lead the life my mom would have wanted me to. Working towards getting my PhD soon, and have a wonderful girlfriend who pushes me to be my best despite the illness!
How about you? Im assuming your family dynamic wasnt the best either if youre asking the question
My Dad is Spock and my Mom is Mary Poppins.
Dad is stoic and serious while Mom is pure music, art and creativity.
Because of this, my whole life I could never decide whether I wanted to open my own business…or write a musical!
My mom is a little bit depressive person but is just that. My dad is awesome. We three fight sometimes but we love each other. I do want a supportive boyfriend too. I’m meeting someone but is not official yet. But he is a lovely person and he seems supportive
Your girlfriend knows about your illness since when?
Since about a week and a half ago. Been dating about 3 months now. She knew I was a little off and when I explained why she was incredibly calm and sweet about it. Keeper for sure
So happy for you! You deserve that kind of love!
@zwolfgang…im sorry to hear of your awful loss, that is very sad, my commiserations
My father messed up the whole family, no one was allowed to be smarter than him, really set his kids on the wrong road. I don’t remember him ever doing much with the family other than whipping my naked butt with a belt till i bleed.
I had no respect for him and left at 18 and never went back
Both, in their own ways. I decided to take my distance from my family of origin.
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