Difficulty thinking people as people

Even my mom it’s hard to recognize she’s the same person as before. It’s hard to explain but I have a hard time recognizing a mind as a mind because I feel I’m missing a little but in my own mind. I’m smart at making sense of it in a disillusioned way. But I think of people somewhat as fake. As in unreal. And I’ve thought this way my whole life.

Yeah, some people really are faking everything. Just let the surface be what it is and worry about yourself.

I think a lot of people are trained out of caring about this place. They seem simple and shallow. Anyone with depth can pick up on that divide.

The depth can be burdenous, but I think it is more human, even if our lives aren’t as enjoyable.


Good post I learned a lot from it but I’m talking something off about my thinking. I know ppl act fake but I have had trouble allowing to think anyone is actually a real person who thinks and lives their own life entirely separate from my own. I had the delusion everyone was a robot once and I was an alien in a robot society and 12/21/12 marked my return to my home planet and it was all just a conspiracy…life that is. So it’s hard for me to think of people as real sometimes. My sister and mom have such an easy job of seeing everything as real. I’m constantly questioning my reality and whatnot.


At least you are aware that it’s an issue.

It’s so hard to trick the mind out of believing in telepathy. The whole world seems different when you have this sense that everyone else is interconnected. Really they feel just as alone and are just trying to fend for themselves.

I guess what I mean is I’ve been trying to break down this me vs them(and they are all the same) kind of view.

A lot of it is futile to force on the self, I can’t even figure it out. I am having better luck at avoiding hallucinating and what I’m hoping is that time without the hallucinations will allow me to see things normally again, in a more natural process than forcing myself into it.

In your case instead of hallucinations, you could see the thoughts as sustaining the issue. Even feeling different from your mother and sister because they don’t have the illness. You’re drawing up a barrier right there, forcing yourself into identifying with the issue. If you can let go of that and stop thinking about it so much there might be an epiphany down the line.

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I have this same exact thing. I know what you mean… other people don’t seem like they have their own mind and stuff… my therapist thinks that it’s because of a mixture of self-centeredness and anxiety that covers up the meeting of minds.

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I try to affirm to myself that others have their own entirely real and unique lives, until I finally actually get that that’s true.

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If it helps you can just see them as physical bodies that can talk. You don’t need to speculate beyond that, you’ll never really figure anything out anyways.

That’s what I have to do(or try to do).

I think part of what makes sz people think that way is they have this very complex internal experience and almost as a way of trying to heal the self become curious about the nature of other peoples minds, which just ends in disappointment because it doesn’t help.

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Yeah I’ve been thinking about it for years but still difficult. I think you have a mind…it’s easier with some than others. It actually took me a revelation in the woods hearing an owl hoot to understand consciousness…I thought “wow that owl is conscious…other humans must be too”. I like owls a lot now because he helped my disillusioned thinking.


Yeah I forgot to mention @turningthepage that it’s also mostly our illness that causes the self-centeredness ad anxiety.

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The other day a psychic lady came in and gave me a huge smile. Later my sister found out she was psychic. I often get dirty looks it seems from people for no reason but it felt good that this psychic black lady liked me lol.

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I think the difficulty that we both have in realizing other people’s consciousness is that ours is somehow “switched off” in a sense. Like my consciousness is basically an ostrich with its head in the sand. I’m aware of probably 30% of what I was aware of before I had this illness. Maybe its the drugs. But anyways thats cool that an owl helped you realize consciousness a little bit, I also try to see my dogs as conscious beings.

I think kids are experts at consciousness, and being around them helps.

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I was talking to a psychic. After watching me for a while he said “Oh so you can hear these guys.”(I nodded, “so it would seem.”) “Been there.” he said. Also with a smile. I assumed psychics were quacks, but they might be onto something. Just highly insightful people probably.

It kind of gave me the subconscious “delusion” or confidence that this will go away.

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It was odd too. One of my friends got to looking very uncomfortable when he overheard what we were talking about.

IF my psychosis was real. it’s something they all know about and know that they do it to me. They no it so well that there is no weight to it in there minds and they really don’t like being confronted about it, but they get off on covering it up like it’s not there.

There is a bunch of odd ■■■■ that has been happening this whole time.

We are basic spirits, and can’t really reach another person.

the closest is in making love.

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Make love, not war.

Ive been like this since I was a kid but i’ve always thought that people are just primative beasts of burden.

Their burden being themselves,as it turns out I was right.

So, people don’t care what you think. I don’t mean to put you down but everybody is an object to each other. No one cares about your feelings or your life. So don’t care about theirs. UNLESS… if your problem is going to make someone kick your ass than change it. Otherwise keep on trucking the way you are.

You have to realize that there are many other people out there who have your problem. The difference is that they don’t care. Everybody on this site suffers every day when they’re out in public. And you can be suicidal and suffering and while people won’t take advantage of it per se, they will still ACT towards you as they act towards each other. Which means they will treat you badly.

Do you think all the dangerous people (both men and SOME women) look at us and think, “That guys suffering. I’ll leave him alone:”? No, you’re just the competition. Everyone knows how the world works. It’s just that people who live by it can get away with things that other people can’t.

When I first got sick I tried to figure things out by reading psychology books. I read about an ancient theory that people disproved to me. But now I’m starting to think it’s true. At its basest point, every guy wants to kill every other guy and sleep with every women. That’s how the world works.

Excuse my ravings and take them with a grain of salt; It’s just my opinion and it’s probably not the best way to look at life.

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It’s true. maybe you’re right and people think of people as objects. Probably even less so than I do because I’ve worked so hard to think otherwise. I care about peoples emotions and feelings. I show empathy. I try to understand where people are coming from. It’s ■■■■■■ up. We humans like to think of ourselves as sophisticated, advanced and idealistic, but in reality we’re just a bunch of highly sophisticated primates, nothing else. we have so much work to do as a species. But most people pretend that we’re like highly advanced in such a manner that we’re just not… I find the SZ disposition to be that we do care about others and we do show empathy, it’s why this board is such a pleasant place to be. of course there are some exceptions and I see it differently when I go to the local mental health place, but it’s the same story. People being nice. But they’re nice in a different way because it’s in person rather than typing but it’s the same stuff. I’ll continue to be nice because not only I’m a God fearing person and believe in being nice too, and when people are nice in return it feels good. I tend to forget about the 9 out of 10 idiots and take more out of the 1 out of 10 guy who was really nice, like the guy asking me questions at my volunteer job yesterday.

It’s good to see that you’re not jaded. I’m trying to stay like you but its damn hard. It’s good to get away from it all and come on here where people appreciate niceness. It’s an outlet for my soul to be here where I can let my hair down and reveal my better side. Sorry for being so dramatic, lol. But yeah, its good to hear your point of view.

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