Differences between US and British things

Miles (US), kilograms (UK) (is this correct?)

Color colour
Flavor flavour

What else?

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Pants - Trousers
Fries - Chips
Cookies - Biscuits
Chips - Crisps
Bar - Pub
Armor - Armour


Theater - Theatre ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Pee - Wee
Restroom -Loo

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Hood - bonnet
Trunk - boot
Trash - rubbish
Police - filth


Kilometers but yes.

No US Miles and UK Miles

But we use Kilos you use pounds like dinosaurs

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No, just NO! You guys have no idea when it comes to what makes a biscuit. Just don’t even try, srsly.

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They call sprinkles hundreds and thousands or something. It’s really odd. Also diapers are nappies and flashlights are called torches.


I KNEW something was off.

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Driveway (Right Side) - Drive (Left Side)

Say, “Aluminum.”

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HAHAHA :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Sloppy Joe - Scotch Pie

Ted Bundy - The Yorkshire Ripper

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I thought you used both miles and kilometers? Or is it just kilometers per hour and the rest is miles?

Nope just miles and MPH. We have a mixture of metric and imperial for some reason

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Oh, in England people drive on the opposite side of the road. Also the steering wheel is on the right side of the automobile if I remember correctly.

toilet paper - bog roll
dishwashing detergent - washing up liquid
garbage bag- bin liner
truck - lorry
jacking off- wanking

Wouldn’t it be Stones – Aerosmith?

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