Didn't use the stairs for a while. Now I got anxiety

I live in 4th floor. The stairs have an open space in the middle, I had no anxiety using them previously. But I think because it was so long since I used them, now I could really get the anxiety while using them.

I think when I was exposed to them, the anxiety disappeared. The first time I used them I had anxiety but it went away.

I think I will use the stairs to get familiar with it again.

It’s really not a good feeling.

I don’t understand why they make stairs with opening in the middle, instead of having it closed off…

I think I will get used to them again.


It’s gonna be good bro. Just run up and down like 10 times lol

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I will! Will force myself - exposure.


Me and my therapist are about to start exposure therapy … Gonna be a trip man


Exposure is a good idea. Good luck!

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Good luck man. My therapist always told me that the best way to overcome anxiety is exposure.

@CoCo thanks, I think I’m getting there, been walking down and up a few times. I hope it will fix it and it’s not some fear I have developed.

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Second remodel!!!

I’m a fraud but it’s working bro :grinning:



Creativity is the bomb @AKendrick so no complaints from me… :slight_smile:

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No fraud, skills! I have begun using references a lot because it’s damn hard creating stuff from imagination, no shame. (that looks really good btw)

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I kinda did the redesign from imagination…for the most part but I’m a fraud because I didn’t build my own models just remodeled lol

I’m joking about the fraud thing btw… I actually feel good about how it’s going which is unusual :person_shrugging:t5:

I will send you a gallery when I get them all done bro!!! Also… have you been modeling lately?

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I’m modeling some stuff but mostly I have been messing around with animation and trying to get cycles to render as fast as possible so I don’t have to wait hours for an animation to complete. I actually got it down to 3 seconds render time per frame with good quality, it’s pretty insane how you can render that fast with cycles.

I want to create short animations to begin with, would be awesome to some day create a short film.

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Bro that’s awesome :sunglasses: … when u get some done please share!!! Also… are you gonna use voices too?

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The one I have planned is just a short clip of a dark public bathroom with flickering lights and a monster eating someone in the corner. I will share it for sure, I guess the monster will just have some sort of growling noise lol. I guess I will have to put a trigger warning on it if I share it haha.

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Sounds great man :+1:t5: can’t wait to check it out !!

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