I forgot to take my medicine last night so I was going to take it this morning but then my voices started saying the medicine was “hiding the truth”. What truth? My delusions? The things they say? Do any of you know what they’re talking about?
even if the meds are hiding the truth, the truth means nothing if it can cause you to hurt yourself or other people. at least that’s why I’m on my treatment plan.
Please ignore your voices and take your meds for goodness sake…
They’re talking nonsensical crap. Take your meds!
We all need our meds, I don’t ever get voices but I sure wouldn’t listen to them if I did . From what everyone on here says ,there up to no good. Please take your meds.
Dear everyone, I took my medicine. My sister made me. Don’t know if I’m going to get sick like normal since it’s poison but the voices were really mad.
I’m glad you took it , it will take some time to work so please keep talking it.
I wouldn’t listen to the voices…psychosis doesn’t like being drugged and put to sleep. It likes to be awake and active so it can cause trouble and have control over you…
My own voices have used similar ploys. I’ve heard a whole gamut…meds alter what my true life experience should be…meds are poisoning you…yada yada…
Hiding the truth of the severity of the illness perhaps