Did you know about sz before you got sz?

It was fascinating because sz
had all the typical symptoms
we all know about madness.

Now it’s not fascinating at all.


You know i lied to my doc once, i still remember, but i just said what he wanted to hear.
He asked me who did you think i am when i first visited him,
I said a high rank military officer, but infact i thought he was the bishop of my place to get rid of the devil out of me.

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Ok that was funny the way you guys thought about sz,

you are intouch with you bachelor’s mates , i spoke to my friend from bachelor’s they said i should have not gone to a different college for masters i should have continued in same college my friend s could have helped me,

But i dont think so, they could have,
where are they now, still not present

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Yeah, it was what insane axe murderers who should be locked up for life have.

Also? Karma sucks.


I read a book called “The Betrayal of the Body” by Alexander Lowen, which was first published in 1967.

He talks about schizophrenia in it.

I was shortly afterwards misdiagnosed with depression. This was 30 years ago.


You know i read in paper that a man walked to a house and asked water to drink, and when the mother went in to get water this guys took the kid and used her as a hammer to break things apart, and people stonned him to death , and doctor qouted sz in news paper :thinking:

Yes i remember now there used to be secret messages in news paper
i used to keep track of , when time came to recycle the paper i wonder what about my secret encrypted message in the news paper,
now i remembered had watched beautiful mind movie before sz and watched it after sz
all explains.

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No, was in psych hospital 8 weeks and it was only months later I was told .(aged 18 then )

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I knew about it. When I was 18 I read Mark Vonneguts book about his experience with getting schizophrenia. Also, a young friend of the family had become schizophrenic in his twenties. I didn’t know a lot about it though.

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My grandma has it and I took a psych class in high school

So yes I knew of it, I didn’t fully understand of course, and didn’t suspect I had it

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I was 19 when I was diagnosed. I knew sz meant really carazy and your life is messed up for the rest of your life. I didn’t know the actual symptoms of sz. I had it since I was 16.

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Yeah knew about sz from my second cousin. Total loser and junkie that topped himself 25 years ago. No one bothered to goto his funeral. He had a paupers council service. He ripped off his mother for thousands, and sold the house illegally from under her.

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I worked with people who had schizophrenia and at work my episodes started.

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I’d heard of it before and believed I didn’t have a good diagnosis.

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Yea, learned about it from an Italian tv series called La Piovra (the Octopus), wherein an important mobster’s daughter suffered with it.

Then asked mom if she could tell me more, she said well, some unfortunate people get it and if by age 30 it hasn’t found you yet, you’re in the clear.

I got it at 30 :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


yes i knew it.

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My parents had a friend with sz but I didnt know nearly as much about it as I do now.

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I never heard of it before I was diagnosed

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Yes I was aware of people having it but I was like I’m insane that crazy :crazy_face:

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I thought I was developing multiple personalities. I’d heard of it but knew nothing about it. Came to the old website and was soon educated. Knowledge is power even for having a mental illness so learning is good.