i was lowered in Seroquel to get rid of the side effect of a stuffy nose and that helped. The lowering of Seroquel didn’t improve negative or cognitive symptoms and didn’t worsen the positive symptoms.
I’m now on 600 mg Seroquel by mouth and 500 mg Clopixol every 3 week.
Has lowering antipsychotics improved your negative or cognitive symptoms in any way.
I hope you will share.
Both at the same time.
I switched from clozapine to Abilify and that’s a shift downward in terms of antipsychotic effect
It’s done wonders for me
Yes, I can relate. Less sedation, less cognitive drag, and fewer side-effects. More positive symptoms and increased difficulty maintaining insight. My life is a dance along the knife’s edge of comfort and function.
I don’t notice a difference when I stop taking my ap’s. I just spiral down to hell.
I try to keep the positives away because in my case they are half dangerous to others and myself. So if I’m lucky the meds will still protect myself and my surroundings against any kind of negative actions from me.
Just like you speedy my negatives aswell as my cognitives don’t seem to improve that much by lowering my antipsychotics.
But I’ve had a really hard time the last 20 years with an antipsychotic that really amped me up and made me an achiever but totally insomniac.
Through pure luck I withdraw from that drug nearly 2 years ago.
Yes I accept to live with low achievements.
Yes getting antipsychotic and sleepy I cherish.
I never really achieved anything in life but that doesn’t really matter for in the end all of us are bound to loose when we die.
The amount of meds I need to remove all of my positives completely incapacitates me. CBT helps me manage positives on a low dose so I can have a career and enjoy my life more.
I felt alot better until my positives kicked in. When I was in zyprexa I was able to work but the side effects were horrible. After stopping I felt good then about 6 months later I was in hell… Started believing people could hear my thoughts and that the entire world was out to get me. I’m just starting to recover like 4 years later
Akendrick Im sorry that you had to suffer 4 years with psychosis and paranoia and I hope for a speedy recovery to you.
May I ask you a very personal question ?
Are you of Celtic decent (Ancestors from Scotland- Ireland- Whales or Brittani’s).
I find that the Celtic women with theirs long Red hair are so beautifull and Celtic music is some of the best music in the world.
It has never happened. Because I have been very unstable in the past.
I stopped ablify and now take the highest dose of vraylar. (Which is 6mg)
Vraylar definitely needs time to start working…or in other words reach its full effect.
I am feeling awesome. Zero symptoms
I also take 3 different supplements: omega-3, neurozan and lion’s mane.
It definitely makes me feel more energetic. Though, it costs A LOT.
The only one thing, I take pramistar for ADHD, which is the only med about which one I am not sure (whether it helps or no). I believe for me it works more like a placebo
Oh angle the first 20 years of my condition was mildy said a torture chamber. But the last decade I was doing better so I got the amount of antipsychotics halved. And I went down from 3 to two antipsychotics at the same time.
Angle never stop believing in yourself or that your life situation can’t get better cause it can.
Bring me coffee I’m very happy on your behalf that you’re in the lucky situation that you can get down to only one antipsychotics nsmelig the Vraylar. Do you feel that your meds improve other things than the positive symptoms.
Besides I hope that you achieve your goal of getting totally off of antipsychotics in a time frame of 6-10 years,
@Ghosts I noticed that with vraylar my depression also became minor. It’s almost gone…
Just life experiences makes me(last days) feel sadness. But it’s not depression, only sadness so I am happy.
Very big thanks to you! My goal is to cut meds is in 2-3 years. But I know my pdoc could want me to stop in 4-5 years. So we will see.
Thanks for supporting:)
- I feel very energetic: but it could be so because of supplements
Thanks for the well wishes!!!
As far as being of Celtic decent I am not. I’m African American/ native American (grate grandmother was half and half) most likely it’s a slave name lol
Have you every been on latuda ? I was thinking about trying vraylar but did latuda. I’ve heard vraylar is pretty decent as far as side effects too
What’s your meds now?
I haven’t tried latuda.
And actually I didn’t noticed any side effects of vraylar :o @anon31960475
Latuda, gabapentin and Wellbutrin (low dose )