When I talk I forget the details of what I am saying and then I cant fully make my point. Sometimes I remember the details after the person is gone but then ppl will feel that I am crazy if I go after them and I reopen the subject. Sometimes I cant remember at all. It makes me look like I have less self confidence bcz of sz cognitive symptoms. Not sure if its also negative symptoms.
Maybe its the meds giving me memory problems too, not only the sz.
Its like if I lost my talking skills and stamina.
I am only 31y.o. and already have lots of mental problems. Feels like I have an 80y.o. brain.
It’s probably both. Dopamine has an impact on concentration so that is probably part of it. Poverty of speech is a symptom of sz too so that probably has an impact as well. It does suck. Yeah, I use to be able to debate with the best of them, I am not nearly as quick on my feet in a conversation as I use to be. It’s much easier on someplace like this forum where you have time to gather your thoughts before you post.
Yea its much easier here as I can edit my posts while typing and even after posting.
My cognition and memory retrieval suffer under higher levels of meds, that’s for sure. The older style APs are especially bad for this.
I suffer from the same issues. Especially at work and I get nervous during the smallest conversations. It sucks that the brain will shrink in size with sz or its medications and we have to suffer these side effects of sz/meds all our lifes.
Your decreasing cognitive status could very well be due to severe physical unfitness due to severe physical sedentariness. That’s what happened to me six years ago.
I definitely lose my train of thought more often than before. It’s from the interruptions, or the expectation of interruption I think that breaks my concentration now. However, it’s not as bad as it could be. I can still put my thoughts together on the page
Feel less confident talking because I bumble my words more and or at least feel its more apparent. I’m feeling down about that because I used to like arguing and debating but w/e. I can just groove. Not everything needs to be a super articulated explanation.
My self confidence was low even before severe mental illness. I’m more likely to do ‘scared as ****’ defensive bluster than be genuinely self confident. I 'm also rather useless at a lot of things, and I appear far more competent on forums, that play to my strengths, than I actually am IRL.
Yes it did. But not to the point that I can’t engage in conversations, both online and in the meat space.
As with any skill, practice makes better, if not perfect.
no issue with my self confidence
i dont know the difference between negative n cognitive
Well i dont hit on girls anymore and it shown in the oast saying out loud my diagnosis has done nothing but bad for me. Imagine talking to a girl amd everything is fine and then say im sz and shes is whats this? It seems good for the night, but the next day she does the researchs and dumps you
When I have a conversation,
i forget the topic,
and I ask “what were we talking about?”
Positive signs of schizophrenia are obvious, outward signs that do not appear in people who do not have the disease:
Hallucinations – sensations that are not real, such as hearing voices;
Delusions – beliefs that have no basis in reality that the person refuses to give up, even in the face of evidence to the contrary;
Speaking in a nonsensical manner, making communication with others difficult;
Switching rapidly from one train of thought to another;
Inability to make sense of ordinary sights and sounds;
Inability to make decisions;
Moving slowly or making repetitive movements, such as pacing.
Negative symptoms are described as normal behaviors that are absent in individuals with schizophrenia:
Lack of emotion, or expression of emotions inappropriate for a situation;
Difficulty interpreting social cues;
Withdrawal from family, friends, and social interactions;
Loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable;
Lack of energy;
Difficulty functioning at work, school, or in daily life;
Poor personal hygiene;
Catatonia – remaining in one position, with no sign of movement, for a lengthy period of time.
Switching rapidly from one train of thought to another;
Inability to make decisions
This is probably due to poor working memory as instantly forget about what said or thought before. When this happen thoughts get shifted from one to another. Due to several thoughts jumping from one to another hard to make decisions.
Catatonia – remaining in one position, with no sign of movement, for a lengthy period of time.
Catatonia is actually severe from of negative symptom so not try Haldol like things as it can worsen your negative symptoms.
Yea it lowered my confidence because things are uncertain. Also I just found a perfect job for me except I can’t concentrate enough for this specific job
Well… Maybe I should just try…
Yes @Aziz the one thing I can clearly recall from psychosis. When I was 19 year old I was very confident. But then when the psychosis came I lost it all. There was some environmental ■■■■ too. But maybe the environmental ■■■■ triggered the lack of confidence. It’s all connected I’d say
Also my personal experience. My mental health is always better when I take care of my physical health. Eating poorly and lying around do my head no favours.