Did an SSRI helped with motivation?

Did it help? I cant remember how i felt on lexapro, i am thinking giving a try, bur dont wanr panic attacks to return

I was on Wellbutrin, its an antidepressant. It didn’t help. Dr says I don’t have depression, just negative symptoms, and that Wellbutrin might help.

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No one here can tell you if you have depression or negative symptoms. Even Drs can have a hard time differentiating those.

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Stimulant helped me with motivation,

The best SSRI for me helped bring a little more clarity of mind to me.

I feel it gives me a bit of energy but not much, I’m taking it mainly for the anxiety.

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To improve motivation, you need to increase dopamine in some parts of the brain i.e. a dopamine agonist. But they can worsen your sz/psychosis.

You can try fluoxetine or sertraline

SSRI actually worsen motivation as it reduces dopamine.

SSRI and other serotonin drugs helps with motivation if the reason for lack of motivation is depression and other negative thoughts,

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I was prescribed a fourth medication - citalopram (which is an SSRI I think). I’m wondering the same thing and am hesitant to take it as I don’t know if it would help with my avolition. I’m already taking a mood stabiliser and two AP’S.

I would try it @Hadeda.

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I had a friend who takes it for social phobia/anxiety.

If your SSRI is giving you anxiety try a different med, they don’t all act the same. I take a SSNRI Cymbalta, it works great, helps my anxiety tremendously. Doesn’t really help that much with motivation but I’m a lot happier about doing nothing. lol

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No they haven’t. I’m on 120 mg of genetic cymbalta. It helps with severe depression, but I still can’t motivate myself to do simple things for my own good.