Depression vs SZ no emotions

How can one have depression if one doesn’t have emotions at all like me from severe negative symptoms?

I don’t have feelings, neither bad neither good but I guess having bad feelings only is worse?

When I was on seroquel they’d (doctors) ask me how my mood was. And I’d tell them I didn’t really understand the question as I had no mood. Flat as a pancake. Just anxiety. No mood.

Now that I’m on abilify which has antidepressant qualities I have moods.

Maybe you should consider talking to your doctor about an antidepressant?

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I have tried some ADs like Wellbutrin but it only made me slightly manic and suicidal, I was talking for hours about suicide benefits like going to heaven faster to my parents. They told me Wellbutrin made me crazy. My psychiatrist said I don’t have depression and refused to prescribe other ADs.

I think you now have emotions not bcz Abilify is an AD but because it causes less negative symptoms than all other APs. I know what you mean, I had slightly more emotions on Abilify but it gave me multiple addictions issues and hypersexuality :frowning:

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I tried Wellbutrin to quit smoking way before I was diagnosed. And it gave me suicidal ideation too. I stopped it pretty quick.

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