So. . .
‘Feeling sad is an integral part of depression, but they are not the same’. (From The Link For Zelda)
P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.
So. . .
‘Feeling sad is an integral part of depression, but they are not the same’. (From The Link For Zelda)
P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.
Yeah, i told the nurse im talking too every second week, that i have a chronic sadness that i have learned to live with
(life can be beautiful even when you are sad).
The problem is when sadness turns into depression
(life cannot be beautiful when you are depressed)
Hmm. . .
Sadness Mirrors The Raindrop Reflection Swimming In The Deepest Ponds. . .
I Tried To Climb The Highest Mountain. All I Got Was A Sprained Ankle. . .
It Is True, @bluebutterfly. . .
There Is An Undeniable Difference (!!!).
P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.
Every General Practitioner can prescribe antidepressants, but i don’t want to take them. I don’t like the sideeffects, i rather take the risk of suicide. Its difficult to prove, but i get out of depression myself.
I’ve gotten some serious side effects from antidepressants but it’s still better than my depression. That shite really bites and there’s no escape from that. Just saying.
I always thought of sadness as temporary, and depression as chronic.
I’ve always had this personal belief that depression is when you lack hope but with sadness you can still have hope.
I wouldn’t consider myself depressed for that reason.
Although if they did a depression assessment on me, I may still be under the depressed dx, even though I have hope. Due to scoring points in other areas.
Lol who is Zelda,… I’m a princess too
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