I hope I don’t jinx it by saying this but I’ve experienced no depression in like 2 months now. Sounds not that long but that’s huge for me. It took for freakin ever to fully work, took like 2 weeks to pull me out of intense depression, then another 2 weeks to pull me out of moderate depression, then another 2 weeks of mild depression but after that ended I’ve had nothing since. I used to have constant mood swings where I’d be terrified to go a week without therapy because I never knew where I’d be emotionally by the end of the week, even in the span of one day I could go from being perfectly content to wanting to die. It also has helped a lot with my anxiety, I noticed it began working for anxiety much sooner than for the depression and pretty much got it under control in just 2 weeks.
It doesn’t even really give me bad side effects either! It does take me longer to orgasm now, but I can still do it fine, and if I take it late then it makes it really hard to wake up in the morning but I just take it around 5-6pm and it’s not a problem! Nothing else. Definitely would recommend it!!
Very cool. You find something that works you stick with it! Glad it’s working. Depression is more troublesome to me than the positive symptoms. It really does reek!
When I was first put on Depakote on the psych ward years ago back in 1997, it made me s-it my pants and make a mess of the hospital carpet. I couldn’t help it. The ward nurses acted like I did it on purpose. They were so mean. I was trying to clean it up and they accused me of “rubbing it into the carpet”. Why are people so cruel? Anyway, Depakote made me drool at the mouth too. And it did nothing for my suicidal depression. And I was on it for years.
I’m thinking of switching back to Depakote from Lithium. While I did get depressed on it which the Lithium has helped a lot, I’m getting so much acne on Lithium I can’t go outside. Both are great for mania though. I figure the Latuda can handle the depression now though, and the Depakote the mania