Delusion about God or the Devil

Who has had a delusion about God or Lucifer? If so please describe. My delusion was that I was Jesus in a past life, and that I kind of was Lucifer and had the power to control peoples minds by deepening my voice.

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That sounds like the tv show Preacher.

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Don’t be surprised if this gets shut down. :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Delusions like that are very commonplace for schizophrenics. Voices tend to make you feel like you’re either the worst or best person in the world, there’s never any middle ground.


Yeah it was from Preacher lol

Why would it get closed?

@GrayBear and @StonePaperScissors discussions of religious-based delusions are allowed strictly in the context of recovery. As long as this remains a thread for getting support overcoming religious delusions, it can stay open.


God speaks to me. Period. Everyday. We have a wonderful, interactive relationship. And it’s been going on continuously for the last fifteen years. And I don’t want it to end.


Make sure you tell someone exactly what you feel is going before it gets out of control .

I don’t feel like the best or greatest person in the world. Hardly. I feel like one of the world’s worst sinners.

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It’s ok. The delusion was back in march/april. I have no delusions now.


I had taken loads of LSD and Whiskey, and I ended up falling into hell quite literally.

I was confronted by the devil and I attacked him and he laughed at me.

Next thing I knew I was being kicked awake by my ‘friends’ as they thought i was dead


In a past life a billion lifetimes ago, I thought my step-dad was possessed or replaced by a jinn or a powerful reptilian. I was insane at the time.

He thought I was the devil or something. I thought he was the devil or God. I felt like I was under mind control.

I’m only talking about it to recover. In this life, he is a very good person. He takes care of our family.

He is a Christian.

I wasnt on drugs, yet I remember.

In this life, I thought i was the antichrist because I thought i was invisible and was paranoid about the world ending. This was in 2015 in the mental hospital.

I met a ghostly figure in a past life who said he was the real antichrist. He was an older man. He just appeared out of nowhere. It could have been a hallucination.

It’s one of the reasons I’m afraid to read the bible because I get delusional. My mom and step dad are really religious and I dont relate. I tried to believe in Jesus but she said even demons believe in Jesus. Thank God she doesnt think I’m demon possessed, yet in a parallel universe I was exorcised I think. It was horrible.

When i was abducted by the greys in a past life, they stopped hurting me when I believed in Jesus. I think they are demons. It’s one of the reasons I want to believe. I think it protects you.

My paranoia about my step father is due to my mental illness. I had paranoia about my dad too.
My dad is a really good person.

I have this memory of meeting Lucifer in a group home in the backyard. It was in a past life. He looked like an angel. It could have been a hologram.

I also met a robed man though I’m not sure exactly who or what he was. This was a past life.

I dont think any of it is real anymore but I know we are not alone. It still affects me. Karma? Schizophrenia is a ■■■■■. I hate it.

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I thought I was pharaoh given the purpose by God to stand against God’s people so they could triumph over me and show His power

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I’m dying a storied life

I am so grateful i am over religion.

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