I think the most important thing is to love what you are trying to master, because it takes a lot of time and effort
You cannot love everything you need to improve. That’s why it needs to be practiced deliberately
Mindless practice is no use
You need strategy for seeking your goal .
Yes, but i´m my experience even if you practise deliberately you still need a lot of time and effort to do it.
Nothing that really matters will come easy and inmediately.
You need to find a way to love what you want to improve, so you can do it every day.
Yeah but quantity by itself doesn’t make you master . And loving consistently is impossible
You need to do with conscious whatever you want to achieve
My point is its worth nothing to do the best practise one day of the week and forgetting about it the rest of the days. Consistency, imo is key to success.
But Deliberate practise and consistency together are a very effective tool.
You need to practice alot. But you need to know how to practice. Know your weakness and work on it.
Make small goals that leads to bigger goal .
I am thinking how to be a better at StarCraft so today my goal was to play faster. After the game it shows apm- your actions per minute.
I played two games with goal in mind to play as fast as I can. I reached 130 apm- both times. My avarege is 100. Now I will try to improve the number to 200. By 2 weeks. 2 weeks I will play against ai. Working on speed. Then I will try to learn other skill. Not Just Mindlessly play the game on autopilot.
Yes but you love what you do, you can´t be good at starcraft by only playing 2 or 3 games a day, imagine if you only play one day of the week.
You need to play a lot to improve, and you need to play a lot to manage to get to your real ELO and not rely on a bad/good luck streak.
I think taking breaks viewing streams/your own replays may help a lot aswell.
But it’s boring to play with out any purpose. So I need strategy how to practice and learn the game. Of course I need to play alot. Laziness is my weakness. But it’s very hard to concentrate on many games. Playing from your mind is the same as drawing on paper from your head. Good artists learn from reference and other ■■■■.
It’s also as chess you will not become pro just by playing. You need other stuff to do like analysis and
Yes! You can say that “I am going to work myself into total exhaustion every day learning to do this”, but you also need to work smart too.
You both have valid points, you will both be good at what you do.
I will get his book he is an epert
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