Deleted post

I may of only mentioned one of my delusions briefly but someone was offended because my post was deleted.

I believe in it but it is a delusion because no one else does.

I have been really delusional the last week or so and I can get worked up then.

I have thrown things out of the window and seem to want to run away f…

Like when I lived in my car…

So I am not aloud to write about my delusions on schizophrenia forum…

I have not been well n not feeling like myself.
Others are in me sometimes and I feel them too.

I am thankfully still functional.

I did the dishes this morning, drove my car yesterday, made lunch etc

I felt very alone yesterday.

May I trust rightfully.

I am trying to tell myself my beliefs could be incorrect and could be delusions.

Wishing you guys a nice day.

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i know my delusions can’t be proved so i never talk about them. I still think they are facts, though.

this is where my minor problem of not being able to tell real from unreal comes from

@SacredNeigh7 I just reviewed your post that was deleted yesterday.

You seem to be struggling with delusions. Can you contact the doctor that prescribed your meds and let him know you’re not feeling well?

Thank you Moonbeam.

Yes I have been more unwell lately.
Maybe it’s because of changes .

I have delusions I believe in but others say they are delusions.

I am trying .

I contacted a mental health care worker via text message and told her I have been unwell and when my next appointment with psychiatrist is.

I am not really willing to increase my medication but rather have a “when needed pill”.

Such as my delusions can make me feel hysterical, angry , devastated ,incredibly worked up and cause me to think badly about loved ones that they do something bad by me.

Thankfully it’s not about everyone as it used to be.

I am almost ruining relationships because of it.

I am trying.

I can not stand it.

Sometimes I get anxiety and other things with it too.

Trying to not speak to people and keep to myself but this morning I did really well having a basic chat.

It was not noticeable in my opinion.
Not this morning anyway.


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I look at what people believe in this world, and some times I wonder if the delusions are true but people are not prepared to listen to something different - that’s outside of their comfort zone.

I won’t go into detail but when I was extremely psychotic in hospital, I said to the doctor assessing me, ‘do you hear this exact experience from other people she has seen’, her reply was ‘yes’. So I am struggling to see where this line is drawn - delusions.

My issue is there are very familiar themes to this topic, with variances that a unique to that person who may just simply be labelling things in a slightly different way.

It’s my firm belief that what ever is in the structure of our brains, whatever the defect, there is a common thread that cannot be by accident.

What I have learnt is not to indulge in them, and they fall into the background. I am not saying it’s easy.

Hope you get in contact with your doc.

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It’s good you texted your mental health care worker. Did she respond?

I think it’s a good coping strategy to withdraw for some quiet time for yourself when you’re feeling anxious. Then just spend short periods of time interacting with others so you don’t get too stressed out.

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She is not contactable weekends but she might see my message next time she goes to work.

I think it would be a television appointment with psychiatrist.

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