The pdoc reduced my Latuda by 20mg and Im struggling with my emotions I think I might have to go back up on it again.
Latua is the best drug I’ve been on so far. What does were you on? Did u have side effects?
I was on 80mg and she lowered me down to 60.
Latuda is an antidepressant. It’s a good thing to lower you meds. Maybe what you need isn’t more Latuda it’s a ssri
No, latuda is an atypical antipsychotic used in the treatment of bipolar depression.
Latuda wasn’t good for me. I hope it works for you. Pdocs will do that.sounds like your doc is an asshat.
It has serotonergic affinity contributing to it’s antidepressant effect. This is why it’s an approved for bipolar depression but not bipolar maina. Obviously it will work for both. The fact that it works for bipolar depression also means it is going to be somewhat effective as an antidepressant in general. If you remove an antidepressant you can become depressed.